Bir Satranç Kulübü Bulun

International School of chess
Welcome to the International school of chess: Join a diverse community of chess lovers worldwide for engaging gameplay, tournaments, and learning...
1WL LIVE tournaments
1WL LIVE tournaments is a public club for everyone.We're hosting individual tournaments, Multi Club Arenas in the ONE WORLD League ... and are prou...
Chess School Ukraine
Шаховий Український клуб для школярів та тих, хто може підтримати школярів у змаганнях з іншими клубами та навчити грати в шахи. Брати участь в різ...
The Boys of OTF Club
This club is for the men no females allowed!msg @soccerisfunva or @2-fakevans for verification before making a request to join plz and Ty  N...
Untitled Tuesday
Untitled Tuesday has moved! We are now in the Community club.  To join, please see  For ...
Team Africa
Welcome to Team Africa - We are a strong and active team. Over a 2300 members! YouTube Channel to check: YouTube Channel
Team Finland
This is the group representing Finland in both the World and European League. Members can only play and represent one country in the Worl...
Kids-Only Club
This is a club for kids 18 and under to play and win. This is a fun, competitive club with weekly tournaments, so feel free to join!  If we ...
The Great Minds.
Hello, My name is Jane. I am a Super Admin for the Great Minds club. In all the clubs here at, what sets TGM apart? Off hand, I can thin...
On Her Majesty's Secret  Service - HMSS
Have you ever dreamed of being like James Bond? A secret agent, under cover, on exciting missions around the world? Ever seen a spy movie and thoug...
Concho Chess Academy
Welcome to the Concho Chess Academy! We organize in-person and online events for players of all ages. I'm glad you're here to we can all learn some...
Corporate Chess India
Greetings from team Corporate Chess India. We are an online New-Gen Chess Community for Amateur players and chess enthusiasts belonging to the cor...
The Nature Lovers Club
Hello! We are the Nature Lovers Club, a community of chess players and nature enthusiasts who share a love for both the game of chess and the nat...
Sacred Pawn Legion
If Chess is your battle ground this club is for you!!! The Sacred Pawn Legion   Requests YOU   This group is about people who enjoy chess more...
Wieża Wadowice
Kliknij po szczegółowe informacje o działalności internetowej klubu Wieża Wadowice   W każdą drugą środę miesiąca o 18.30 gramy turnieje szwajcar...
Kings and Queens Chess Club
Hi to All!  We are a club with not too many members, and all of you are invited to be here. All club members are ACTIVE ones. We don't w...
The ZZZs
We are the ZZZs. We have come to destroy, burn, attack, checkmate, and defeat our opponents. Our might shall outshine all those who rise against us...
girls on Life
Club for ladies only. Matches with other clubs are not played. (Internal tournaments only) Thank you. Glory to God.
Christian Chess Community
Statement of Beliefs: We are a group of Christians that consider ourselves to be Disciples of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to reflect Christ in our l...
ZNotes Chess Club
Official Club for the Discord Community of ZNotes. 
Tehsil Chess
"Təhsil" Respublika İdman Mərkəzi Şahmat bölməsi
Rap brothers
 I realized that this club is very active and looked at our rating, and we’re good - so if you joined, thank you, if you didn’t jo...
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