How To Win With Zugzwang: Amazing Studies
Zugzwang can contribute to some of the most beautiful chess positions imaginable. Test your abilities with GM Dejan Bojkov.
Zugzwang can contribute to some of the most beautiful chess positions imaginable. Test your abilities with GM Dejan Bojkov.
GM Dejan Bojkov is back with more amazing studies. See if you can figure out how to use zugzwang to win in spectacular fashion.
Aron Nimzowitsch played the winning and losing sides in two of the most famous zugzwang combinations in history. GM Dejan...
Zugzwang is most frequently seen in the endgame, but amazingly it can crop up in the middlegame as well and defeat the strongest...
FM James Canty demonstrates one of his best games in the c3 Sicilian.
How can White fight for the initiative against Black's most common 2nd move, 2...Nf6? FM James Canty shows you how to take...
Black has a lot of options against the 2.c3 Sicilian, but most of them allow you to start a dangerous attack. FM James Canty...
FM James Canty introduces you to his favorite opening, the c3 Sicilian.
GM Judit Polgar is known as an attacking genius, but she can dominate strategically as well, as in this game with world...
When Judit fell behind in a match against GM Boris Gelfand, she had to go all out for victory.
World Champion Karpov was one of the most solid players of his generation. See how Judit Polgar defeated him with a classic...
What is it like to play against the greatest player of his era? Judit Polgar demonstrates a game against Garry Kasparov.
What is it like playing a sharp Sicilian against GM Shirov? Judit Polgar demonstrates one of her best games!
Judit Polgar brings you an ingenious attacking game that she played as an 11- year old against IM Jean-Luc Costa.
The old main line of the c3 Sicilian is 2...d5. FM James Canty demonstrates how to lure the black queen into danger and...
In the Nimzo Indian Defense, Black often captures on c3 to inflict doubled pawns in exchange for the bishop pair. GM Johan...
The King's Indian Defense and King's Indian Attack lead to unique and double-edged pawn structures. GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates...
The Stonewall structure allows Black to gain space in the center at the cost of giving up a dangerous outpost on e5. GM...
In many openings, one side will gain a majority of pawns on the kingside while the other side has more queenside pawns....
The Queen's Indian Defense is one of Black's most solid opening choices and it leads to some unique pawn structures. GM...
How can White aim for a winning pawn structure right out of the opening? GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates the goals of the...
The Petroff is one of the most popular openings at the highest level. GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates the key ideas in this...
What should each side try to do when Black plays a provocative hyper-modern opening? GM Johan Hellsten answers the key questions.
The Benoni Defense leads to one of the most imbalanced, complicated structures out of any opening. GM Johan Hellsten shows...
The Benko Gambit offers a dangerous pawn sacrifice for long-term queenside pressure. GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates the...