
Chess 411: Opening Repertoire vs. French Defense and Scandinavian Defense by Dzindzichashvili

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Original Post by GeniusKJ from University for GM Roman Dzindzichashvili University Students,

GM Roman Dzindzichashvili is offering a course on openings. Initially, this class was going to be on custom opening repertoires but upon suggestions from University members, we have decided to offer in-depth coverage of important openings.

Chess 411: Opening Repertoire vs. French Defense and Scandinavian Defense.

Instructor: GM Roman Dzindzichashvili

Schedule: Chess 411 has 4 live sessions. Each session is 1 hour long and will be taught on a Sunday.
Tentatively, the class will start on September 8th. There will be one session every Sunday meaning the class will end on September 29th.
Most classes will start at 12:30 PM PDT.

Level: This seminar is aimed at players in the 1600 - 2100 USCF/FIDE rating level.

Format: There are 4 1-hour live lessons, homework assignments every week, and email support from Roman Dzindzichashvili.

Course Description:

Would you like to learn one of the best ways to play against the French Defense and Scandinavian Defense? If so, you are reading the right announcement as the world's leading opening theoretician is here to guide you! In this course, Roman will cover the French Defense and Scandinavian Defense in-depth from White's point of view. Everything you need to know as White after 1.e4 e6 and 1.e4 d5 will be covered in this class.

Focus Areas:
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3
1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 (or 2...Nf6).

Those are the key openings but important sidelines will also be covered. After taking this class, you will be thoroughly prepared to play on the White side of the French Defense and Scandinavian Defense.

Students will be assigned homework each week and have the chance to submit their solutions to Roman in order to get feedback.

Target Class Size: 20 students.


Tuition: $90/person.



You may purchase Chess 411 by going to the following website:

Click on the first PayPal button to purchase.

After you purchase, message GeniusKJ on indicating your name and email address. Otherwise, we won't know which real name corresponds to which username.

Answers to Commonly Asked Questions:
The seminar will take place on Roman Dzindzichashvili's livestream channel. After a person purchases this seminar, I will message him/her the link to the channel. You are able to ask questions throughout the seminar.
You can pay using PayPal, credit card, or debit card.

You may ask questions during the live sessions. You may also ask questions by emailing Roman Dzindzichashvili.

If you have further questions, please contact Kairav Joshi or comment on this news post.