
CCD - Second Branch - 3.c4 - part 2

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Now lets see what black wants to do!

After white plays 6.e3 black has a few moves they can play.

Move 6...0-0 - The computer engines love this move for black. It gets the king into safety. It also makes way for the rooks to later on connect to each other which can be important.


However, I am going to tell you a little secret. Thats right ladys and genltemen you are going to get my secret line!

I am not even going to charge you for this information completely free! lol The move I like in this position is the below move

Move 6...d6 - This move stops white from playing d6. It closes the center and makes black has one of the easier plans I have ever seen. The computer line is absolutely crazy to be honest.

I love this move!

I am going to show you how simple our game is going to be after we play this move. I will show with some pictures.

In these pictures I will be making random white king moves. The reason I am doing random king moves for white is so you can see our plan. It will show you how simple our plan in this line really is which is why I like it.

After we play our 6...d6 move the plan is very straight forward.

We are going to castle than we are going to have our knight go on a small journey.

The moves we will plan during the course of the game will be moves like Na6 to Nc7.

We will also play moves like Bd7.

The idea behind these moves is to prepare the pawn move b5 which targets the c4 pawn!

If you remember in the beginning of this forum I said the move 3.c4 was a very risky move by white. Now we see how black is going to make use of this move several moves later!

In the above picture you can see the highlights on how the knight will go to a6 than c7 to help control the b5 square.

In the next picture. Once we are able to do all of those moves our position as black will look something like the below one. Again I only am doing king moves for white so don't really focus on his moves in this diagram. Notice what black is doing so you can understand our theme/goal.

Once our knight and bishop are in nice spots we will than move our rook to b8 to help support a b5 pawn push.

We have the idea of a6 than b5.

In the yellow highlights you can see how our knight and bishop are contributing to the b5 square.

In the green highlights you can see how our rook and pawns will help in our expansion on the queen side.

Once we are able to do these moves we will reach the below position.

At this point we want to get rid of our B pawn. We want to open that file. If white takes that is ok for us. If white does not take than we can take.

We want that B file open. We are playing on the queenside want the file open so our rooks can become active in which case they will help contribute to pressure on the B file with the help of the bishop on g7. Notice how our pieces can cordinate and converge on a single point.

Lets see what happens if white takes the b5 pawn in the below picture.

We can than retake back with our A pawn.

Notice how our C and our B pawn are now not being stopped!

We can pushes those baby's forward now! We lust for expansion! Notice the d5 pawn it is now coming under heavy fire.

The c4 is no longer supporting it and the knight on c3 can get driving away with a b4 pawn push which will than leave the d5 pawn really helpless!

Lets see what happens if white does not take the b5 pawn in the below picture.

If white does not take the b5 pawn than we will take on c4 and open up the file for our rook.

We can follow our theme of giving queen side pressure

In the below picture I played some random moves for white showing how the black rooks + queen can cordinate very well with the dark bishop.

You can see how we have triple up on the B file.

You can see how black has a game plan in this position.

All which started from move 1 to move 6!

If you can get to this position. I believe you will be able to have a nice fighting chances.

I feel confident in stopping the article here.

As always, Thank you very much for reading.


Hope you enjoyed yourself.

Have a Happy Day