
FIDE publishes new January 2012 rating list


FIDE publishes January 2012 FIDE Rating List. The list of top players is published at dedicated page of FIDE ratings website. All players can check new ratings at the main page of FIDE ratings website or download TXT version from downloads page.


Carlsen 30 points ahead!


In other news rather than every two months there will be a monthly list as of July 2012.

"The Board decided to implement the recommendation of the Qualification Chairman and Rating Administrator to lower the rating floor to 1000 and produce the rating list on a monthly basis. It was agreed that this should come into effect from July 1st 2012."

WalkingBeaver wrote:

Carlsen 30 points ahead!

Depends on whether you still use FIDE's list. The data could be from seven days to sixty seven days outdated. 

"... the deadline for submitting a tournament has been reduced to seven (7) days before the publishing of each rating list". Tournament directors may be too slow to submit the results so they would go into the next list.

There are now at least two active live lists.  and

On these lists Carlsen is currently 22.0 points ahead of Aronian.