
Chess Opening Book


Hey everyone, I was wondering if any of you had any suggestions for a good book on the opening? It is my worst phase and I should improve. 


Do you:

 - Develop all your pieces before looking to move them again?

 - Try and control the centre of the board?

 - Castle early on?

 - Keep an eye out for basic tactics?

At your level, if you find yourself coming out of the opening with a lost position, you aren't doing one or more of these. Guaranteed. Hey, I saved you the trouble of buying a book!


Also, looking at your last match against candyass4ever, I would say your opening was absolutely fine.


Well I think the fourth one, "keep an eye out for basic tactics," is somewhat question-begging. Learning to do that might be why he wants the book.

TimJohnHarris wrote:

Well I think the fourth one, "keep an eye out for basic tactics," is somewhat question-begging. Learning to do that might be why he wants the book.

Well, I don't see that an openings book is the best way to go about improving basic tactical ability.


Alright, thanks guys.


More of these anti opening book theoristsUndecided


I've got FCO: Fundamental Chess Openings in my library, only one I have.  Its by Paul Van der Sterren.  It mainly goes off center lines open and defenses, but shows some really interesting variations.  It also does a great job of explaining "why" not just "what."  The book does assume you understand the concepts Mr. Waller posted above though.


paulgottlieb wrote:

I think Yasser Seirawan's "Winning Chess Openings" is an excellent introduction to opening theory. There's a fine introduction to general opening theory, and a very good explanation of the ideas behind all the major opening systems. I strongly recommend it.
