
Chess openings.


My elo on the live chess has seemed to level out at about 1100 and I don't feel like I even know how to improve other than the obvious, practice. I feel like I'm slowly learning the common openings at my elo but I was wondering what some easy openings at my elo are that I should learn, or am I going the wrong way about improving? Also sometimes it appears, keyword appears, to me that they make a bad move in the opening but I don't know how to really capitalize on that because I feel like if I stray too far from familiar territory that I am sure to mess up in one way or another. Anyone have any pointers for me?


Memorizing openings is almost counterproductive at your level.  Opening principles are really all you need.  The reason you're afraid to stray from familiar territory is you lack good board vision and the timetested way to improve that is to work on tactics.   Take a look at the study plans that staff have put together if you want specifics on how to improve.  They are listed in the articles section under help (click "read", click "articles", click " help").  Yes you need a premium membership to follow the plan exactly (which is an excellent idea, by the way-$100 is an incredible bargain if you're serious about improving), but you can get a very good idea of just what is necessary to improve.  Have fun.