
Do not do this move


So I decided to stop playing the move d5 becuase teacher000 has shown me the dangers of such a move.

I am also going to the book store tomorrow to pick up ThrillerFans Gourmet Cooking book.

So now I will have a delicious meal with my brand new line idea's that teacher000 taught me. How wonderful.


The OP is either an innocent kid or he is just xplayerjxing.


to xplayerjx (V. tr. & intr.) = to talk ostentatiously about something, of which one really has absolutely no idea whatsoever.


exd5 is a slighty worse( a little weak) but is not the end of the world, many players had played scandinavian without losing chess.


this game shows that chess dosnt always have a best winning line!!

PerfectConscience wrote:

The OP is either an innocent kid or he is just xplayerjxing.



to xplayerjx (V. tr. & intr.) = to talk ostentatiously about something, of which one really has absolutely no idea whatsoever.

You really think so?  If you do believe such statements than you have been fooled. Wink

Martin_Stahl wrote:
teacher000 wrote:

Do not do d5 if you are black.

d5 is a perfectly playable move. Black just didn't know how to handle it. Of course, that game had way more problems than that

I've read that this Centre Game opener transitions into a good end game for black. Source: Wikipedia. I've been playing around with it myself lately. Usually I've found people try to offer counters rather than take my pawn.