
What suits my style best?


I am quite apt with the Caro-Kann as a response to e4, but lack a solid black opening to d4.  What would you guys suggest as a an opening for black that resembles the same premises and play style of the Caro-Kann?

Queens gambit declined

May want to look at the slav/semi-slav. Kinda hard to find a comparable defense seeing how fundmentally different the two openings are.


The Slav should give you a familar pawn structure (pawns advanced to e6 and c6, no pawn on the d-file), but of course games in the Queen's Gambit are still different from the Caro-Kann.


Look into the queen's indian. 


I suggest you classical Nimzo Indian lines. They are reliable, solid, rather positional than tactical, and it involves good counterattacking chances, good endgame structures. Thats all you need.


I suggest the mainline slav. 



Current count:

QGD - 1

Slav/Semi-slav (Should know both for transpositon reasons) - 3

QID/Nimzo Indian Complex (You almost definately need to know one to play the other) - 2


yeah i play QGD ..... slav but i find QGD tends to end in a draw at best for black ..... as i find it hard to find any attacking gain from it ..... but then again  i don't know the positions that well have only played it two or three times as black as most people play e4 as white


forgive me if i don't know what i'm talking about ... because i don't


I would suggest the slav too because it's similar in a way to the Caro-Kann