Forums Feature Request and Wishlist #5


I'll be summarizing the previous list (found here) and then presenting the findings here. 

In the meantime, suggestions welcomed :)

We have been a little slower to respond to the suggestions lately as we focus on 3 very large and intensive projects: Live Chess, Videos, and iPhone.

Thank you!


I would like to see a list of all vote chess games currently being played by me, similar to the list of online chess games (shows which vote chess games it's my move in, how much time is remaining...)

It would just make vote chess a lot more accessible. Currently the feature is buried fairly deep within the site, and the only thing I have telling me about my ongoing vote chess games is the alerts system. So whenever I want to check up on a game, I always have to do a little digging.

It's not a terribly important feature, and I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but I thought I'd bring it up.


My first vote goes for the combination of the conditional moves and main boards as I described in post 78 of this thread:

Others I'd love to see are:

  • The ability to spawn an analysis board from any game board on this site (puzzle, displayed game or position etc.)
  • The ability to annotate games while in progress
  • Direct hyperlinks from any game board (especially turn based games) to the game explorer for the current position
  • The ability to go back and edit the original position at any point during the creation of an insertable board in the forums (currently once you've set that original position and begun to enter moves you can't go back)

I also just noticed that in Live Chess I can't see my connection strength until I start a game -- it's not even on my open seek.  It would be nice to know beforehand if I had a bad connection.


the live chess player list lag may be fixable if we make no playing in the grand room, you must join a playing room to play (and those can fill up) that or add a command prompt for user commands


just an idea. we need a player list or you cant challenge it seems

TheGrobe wrote: The ability to go back and edit the original position at any point during the creation of an insertable board in the forums (currently once you've set that original position and begun to enter moves you can't go back)

 I agree completely. Many times when I tried to post a game or move sequence I had to redo it 3 or more times dues to the lack of such a feature. But I  guess the staff should concentrate on more important things, such as live chess, before implementing this.


I support the idea of having direct links from the game to the game explorer with the current position (if there is one)


Get rid of titles on the daily puzzle, for they give it away sometimes.

Masterful_Forfeit wrote:

I would like to see a list of all vote chess games currently being played by me, similar to the list of online chess games (shows which vote chess games it's my move in, how much time is remaining...)

It would just make vote chess a lot more accessible. Currently the feature is buried fairly deep within the site, and the only thing I have telling me about my ongoing vote chess games is the alerts system. So whenever I want to check up on a game, I always have to do a little digging.

It's not a terribly important feature, and I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but I thought I'd bring it up.

 I agree with this one.


I keep repeating myself, I know, but still... I would love to see changes implemented in the Vote Chess scoring system, to give some sense to the leaderboard: maing thing would be implementing a system similar to the ELO rating, so that you can both gain and lose points, as a function of the opponent strength. Innocent


categorizing rooms like yahoo would help i social (unrated games with friendly chat) beginner, intermediate, and expert.  and if the site gets big enough you could split those up into blitz, bullet, slow, and slower time controls.  there isnt enough live players to justify that maybe...if it hasnt been mentioned, the ability to get back to the game you were playing if you get disconnected would rock!  i lost a lot of points because i was playing someone rated way lower than me and got disconnected, if i couldve jumped back into that game after loggin back in i would have been much better off


Vote Chess NEEDS the ability to change your vote.  It also needs the ability to see the standings before you commit to a move, but if the former is implemented, you'll get that as a result.

Without these, it's unfortunately not worth playing, because unless you get your analysis in immediately when your move comes up, it's too late -- most players will have already voted, and can't change it.  That's a shame, because it's a great idea in concept.


Fix this please!!!!!


I had noticed a bug with Games Explorer but I forget the details. Next time it happens I'll log it for you.

Also, Game Explorer can be very slow.

XavierPadilla wrote:

Get rid of titles on the daily puzzle, for they give it away sometimes.

I second that.  Have the title instead be a "hint" that you have to click on a button to see.

Also, have team's vote & team matches accessable from the team home page.

jpd303 wrote:

categorizing rooms like yahoo would help i social (unrated games with friendly chat) beginner, intermediate, and expert.  and if the site gets big enough you could split those up into blitz, bullet, slow, and slower time controls.  there isnt enough live players to justify that maybe...if it hasnt been mentioned, the ability to get back to the game you were playing if you get disconnected would rock!  i lost a lot of points because i was playing someone rated way lower than me and got disconnected, if i couldve jumped back into that game after loggin back in i would have been much better off

I agree with this too.  Seperate rooms would be cool.  Maybe premium players only would be able to create their own rooms.


BTW, the suggestions in the last thread that Erik summerized were almost all great ones!


3 live game experience improvements :

  • more seek list options?, find a person by name.(imagine you'd like to follow someone who you just played against).


  • aan option to start watching as soon as person X starts a game (to catch the 1 minute games by top players).


  • A simple notification, which says your the kind of person who likes to discus a game afterwards in the seek window. (as a seek option)
    So people who like to learn the game, can seek games with people who also like to discuss the game afterwards.   (i notice how quickly people turn away when loosing or winning). I think chess can become more a friends game and a nicer social experience.

I would like the ability to use the analysis board to explore different lines. The "what if" option. now if I go back a few moves I can only analyze my game as it is and not how it would've gone differently if I did this or that etc.


i want to play against kasparov

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