
What would be an average rating in chess?

flyon20 wrote:
I’m 900 in three months is that bad?

First of all, you shoulden't be worried about how much elo points you have in a certein amount of time. If the average person reaches 900 faster than you doesn't mean that you're "bad" it probably just mean that you just expand later than other people. Having a skill of a 900 is different from having 900 elo, elo is just a way to show your skill. I mean a person can just sign up on with a elo of 2000 but with an actual skill of a 400 elo player. If you really want to improve faster, you should consider watching chess videos on youtube if don't, play rapid over blitz or bullet, and analyzing everygame that you play if you can. If you follow to these instructions you'll be 1000+ elo in a month or two.


If you're talking about an average rating of a scholar, it maybe 700


I learned when I was 5 but dropped it for a while and was maybe 700 then. I picked it up again because I was bored and have been playing for 7 months or so and I’m now 1000. I don’t study really hard but I do sometimes. For my situation this is good but I really depends how long you’ve known the rules and how passionate you are and how hard you study. 900 is well over the majority of most players so yes 900 is good


i dont try. but i like playing chess. im too lazy to get better. but my rating is like 1100 is this good? its for puzzles. also and in ten minute games im only 300, is that good?

randomdude_917 wrote:

im now 2100

reported for cheating


just started like a month, 700 is that good