
Drunken mate in 53.6 seconds


First, let me start by saying that this game was a complete out of body experience.  I played last night after a few cosmos in Ruby Tuesday on a whim, without even realizing it was unrated...and I'm the one who created the challenge Embarassed.  One minute game, with 6.4 seconds left, and I mated after a knight and bishop sacrifice. 

I don't study openings, and have become quite comfortable (perhaps a bit too comfortable) with the one used below, and I should also say, that I'm not this good.  I'm certainly not this good playing online (CC, I think is what you call it), and I'd venture to say this game was a total fluke - IF I hadn't clearly seen the advantage in the endgame, and correctly executed the mate.  But I did.  Don't misunderstand this, however.  Sure, some skill was involved, but most of it was pressure and the only hope I had for winning was on time, due to having realized after a few rapid games that I tend to open faster than my opponents.

So, just thought I'd share how I possibly play much better under the influence.  Please, feel free to discuss any blunders/mistakes, etc, that I'm probably completely unaware of.


Wow!  Glad you weren't drunk when I played you.  


that pawn marched all the way to heaven Cool.  great win


lets call it the "Cosmo mate"


Lawdog, I don't think it would've made any difference, lol.

Jeb, I like that...cosmo mate.  haha.

I was really interested in learning from this, though.  But this could have been the only game where I didn't make a serious blunder.  Go figure.


That title reminded me of my college years.


Dutch, please elaborate!  I'd like to learn from this...


Funny story and nice mate.  Maybe your opponent had three margaritas, who knows.  At 13 .. g5? better was 13.. Bg5 and Black is fine and up a Knight.  Cheers.


Frankly, I'm mystified by that last suggestion.


Andy, I thought I was the only one.  Care to explain, LikeTheLake?


Sure.  I just realized my incorrect notation, my apologies for the confussion.  Let me try again.  I meant to say 13 ..f5? better was 13 ..Bf5.  Okay?  Now, that was yesterday, today out of curiosity and the Andy's perplexity I run your game on Shredder (my chess engine).  After move 12 black is up 6.5 points, can you believe that?, a lot.  After 13..f5? black is up 3 points so it lost a whole piece (3points) of advantage and to me that qualifies as bad move.  I suggested 13 ..Bf5 which I typed incorrectly yesterday my bad.  This move puts black 5 points up intead of keeping the 6.5 so maybe not so good.  Shredder suggests 13 .. Bxc2 which keeps the 6.5 advantage for black.  But you know machine play vs human play, a lot of discussion on that too.  I think the bishop on f5 is a lot better than on c2.  I hope I made it clear and didn't ruing Andy's coffee this morning.  Again Queen_of_Knight, your story was fun and victories are welcomed no matter what.  Cheers.


This game is, by no means, good. However, I suspect your inebriated state led to more active play, and an active attack. However, beating this guy is no great accomplishment, sober or drunk...


LTL, tell me more about this Shredder you speak of?




Congrats on the win!!!  


Of course, bear in mind that he's amphibious.


And also bear in mind that he's renumerated, rather than remunerated. 


And now he's even been reconstituted (or at least, his post has).

AndyClifton wrote:


Sorry, I don't know much about chess, much less chess engines, lol.


I always wonder why they all seem to have such weird names.