
Help Me With This Game Please


Can someone please help me analyze this in the thread? I just finished this game and know I could have had mate on this guy.  We stalemated but it was really his win in the end as he couldn't resist queening an extra pawn.  


edit: Keep in mind I'm very much a beginner and this is a 1300+ rated ICC player who has like 2,000 standard games played - so this was a tough, tough game for me.


Well for one you need to work on your openings, and also i noticed you never castled, castleing is very important and you brought your queen out way to early work on those mistakes and you will get better!As far as the stalemate goes he either did not no how to mate are he was showing  off. if you really want to get better work on your opening and learn some tactics! good luck!

robinLuker wrote:

Well for one you need to work on your openings, and also i noticed you never castled, castleing is very important and you brought your queen out way to early work on those mistakes and you will get better!

1) Check out this thread:  They instructed me to delay castling if I find myself with a developmental lead and initiative in the opening.  Yes or no? 

2) It was the French: Winawer, advance variation.  I'm still looking for the mate in 5.  

Thanks for the input, guys.


Wait, where's the mate in 5?

Edit: Found it. Just a slightly more precise check

robinLuker wrote:

Well for one you need to work on your openings

Oh yeah - this too: What was wrong with my opening? I'm learning so don't be afraid of criticising me lol.


i was simply saying to get better work on your openings!Try to castle early and try not to bring your queen to early ,practice this in your games maybe this will help

robinLuker wrote:

i was simply saying to get better work on your openings!Try to castle early and try not to bring your queen to early ,practice this in your games maybe this will help

Very cool.  Thanks again for the help.  Yeah I wasn't being defensive - not at all.  I like the analysis forum because it's critical and I need to compensate for starting the game so late in life. (30)


im only 22, no problem i was just giving you a tip on how to improveWink


French is hard to crack and a solid opening. Black needs time to develop his white bishop. Play some more games with French theme as black and white. And learn its strengths and weaknesses.


lol white stalelmated Yell


Here's my help. When down a rook in a pawn ending the best move is resign.


I like 29  Q-f7 check sacking the Knight but getting the King over-exposed and White wins. Maybe that is  your mate in 5. 


I've looked at q-f7 check also, very strong move, if your opponent doens't play with attention there are a lot ways to checkmate... but if he plays good, there's no way he couldn't lose the queen for the rock...means u have 2 rocks against your queen and the black king is on the rim of the board, with ur passed pawn, it shouldn't be a problem to win.


Seems like you had a way to mate him


That was definitely a win for black.


Great in depth analysis, Indy.  I really appreciate it.  

You're right - I had a nice foothold established on his 7th rank with that bishop and then swapped it for a dead knight which he was going to indefiniately swap out asap anyway.  Bad move.

As for threats, checks, captures - in the last week, playing a couple of dozen longer games, I've become far more aware of what the enemy is doing than I was before.  There are moments like the one in this game still but they're becoming a little fewer and farther between.  They always make me cringe to no end afterwards, though.


My 2nd look at 29. Qf7 check confirms there is a mate. Main line is 
