
Attacking castle stradegy


Hola everyone. I have been having trouble with creating and executing attacks on the opponents castled king. More specificlly in Sicilian and Steintz French lines where white is pawn storming Blacks king side. I was wondering is there a theme, set, or pattern that can generally be applied and of course altered depending on the position?


Play f2-f4, then f4-f5, preferably with your bishops pointing towards his king. Umm, I'll let someone else give more detail. Maybe post one of your games.


Of course it very much depends on the concrete position, and not every opposite castling position means pawn storms caveman style. But as a rule of thumb, you want to open lines in front of the king for later use of your heavy pieces. If that king's position is not completely intact (f2, g2, h2 or f7, g7, h7), that is usually achieved by exchanging the furthest advanced protection pawn. Examples: Against an f7, g6, h7 formation, typical for Dragon Sicilians and Modern/Pirc Defense, the h-pawn is usually the can-opener. Against f7, g7, h6 it's usually the g-pawn.

Against an untouched king's protection it's generally more difficult to open lines, that's why it's often a good idea to provoke weakenings like h7-h6 or g7-g6 before pushing the pawns.