
Can we get an option to play No Resign Games?


I didn't look up anything.

It's pretty obvious given a knight fork the next move, 2 pieces up and 2 passed pawns.

Clearly your experiment failed then. It doesn't take much to know exactly when to resign.


I'll come back later with a game from two GMs that isn't in your database and see how well you do.


If you need a database to see that position is resignable be it says more about your level of chess than any beginner. I don't have any means to search an online database and dont have one on my pc anymore.


Let's see how well you do with this one. It's not in your database:


I don't feel the need to play games with someone calling me a liar.

If you can't see that it's obvious to resign after move 71 you're obviously cheating to get your rating.

Infact, I'll play. Easy resign after 39, despite you adding obvious blunders afterwards again. Even a couple of moves earlier. In 37 it's over.

The fact is, a beginner wont be reigning as early as possibly. They resign when it's obvious.


Scott, actually the game was played between two GMs at 1 minute time control. The "obvious blunders" were actually played. 

If you don't consider the time control when considering when to resign, you're missing part of the puzzle.

Scottrf wrote:

But beginner games have much bigger material deficits. You don't have to be strong to know when it's hopeless.

That's an easy resign after move 71...

Oops, slight edit.

It was completely hopeless at move 51. Just a matter of technique. Supposing these really were GM's.

At beginner level i suppose 71 is the correct answer.


Black actually resigned on move 43.

The answer to when Black actually resigned is given above.

SmyslovFan wrote:

Scott, actually the game was played between two GMs at 1 minute time control. The "obvious blunders" were actually played. 

If you don't consider the time control when considering when to resign, you're missing part of the puzzle.

Great trick. You're really still not making any points though.

It doesn't take a strong player to know when a game is hopeless.

Predicting when a GM might resign is a much more delicate balance.

nobodyreally wrote:
Scottrf wrote:

But beginner games have much bigger material deficits. You don't have to be strong to know when it's hopeless.

That's an easy resign after move 71...

Wrong, you missed it by 20 moves. It was completely hopeless at move 51. Just a matter of technique. Supposing these really were GM's.

Resigning a game too late isn't a problem though.

nobodyreally wrote:
Scottrf wrote:

But beginner games have much bigger material deficits. You don't have to be strong to know when it's hopeless.

That's an easy resign after move 71...

Oops, slight edit.

It was completely hopeless at move 51. Just a matter of technique. Supposing these really were GM's.

At beginner level i suppose 71 is the correct answer.

@ Scottrf. I edited my post before. Misread something. Your answer was right in fact.


Yes, not being able to resign sounds like a good idea, because i love it when people just close their browser rather than resigning leaving me waiting...

owltuna wrote:

Just to be clear about my position, ceritus peribus, if I feel there is a decent chance at counterplay, I will play on for as long as I feel the ability to construct some sort of fighting plan.

I once won an OTB game against a very strong opponent, after having my position collapse after a hard-fought, very long game (the last game to finish in the round). Time pressure was a factor, the opponent was very low on time and there were several moves to go until time control. But the biggest factor was this: I had a rook on an open file and he had the typical back rank mate vulnerability. All I had to do was clear that file of pieces and I have an instant win. I threw away piece after piece tempting his pieces off the file and sure enough, he blundered BxN and it was over.

Had I not had reasonable counterplay, I would have resigned once it became clear that my position was hopeless. But given the checkmate possibility, the position was not completely hopeless. I had a realistic chance to save the game.

That sounds like a magnificent multi-sacrifice combination. I'd be interested in seeing that game if you have it.

aerodarts wrote:
 bobslayer wrote:

I really wish I could play games where you can't resign just because you don't think your going to win.

I just started playing online and I hate people resigning before the game is finnished, especially when you spend 8 minutes building your attack only to have the game stopped once the person thinks it isn't in their favour.

Chess isn't about winning it's about learning new strategies to better your game.

Winning is a culmination of a lot of losing.

The end game is where you learn the most, especially when your on the back foot.

Can we please have an option to have games that can't be resigned unless both players agree?

Why is it that I keep reading about chess players wanting to change the rules, (which by the way have been in place for hundreds of years)  just so they can benefit from a rule change? In this case, this player wants to change the rules so that they can checkmate their opponent and claim it helps improve their game. I say that is total BS. Let's say I am losing and I want to resign, but this opponent wants me to keep playing so that I can become a better chess player? He wants me to keep playing until I am checkmated so he can look down at the board and admire his handy work.

They actually have the balls to tell everyone else who plays chess what the purpose of the game is. (chess is not about winning...etc) and they go on to proclaim it is the end game where you learn the most.

Can we please have an option that when I log in as a paying member and go over to the Forum link and not have to read these ignorant topics? You see, by reading the Forum topics is where I learn the most about chess!

I loved it in the 1600's when they came up with the "rulische der blitzen" that changed the game to use clocks set for 5 minute time controls, and how they added the "lawen del mater suf" where you still wouldn't win the game if your opponent's clock ran out but you held insufficient mating material.

But it was certainly the greatest elder of all, Count vonFischerman, who made the game complete in 1637 with the introduction of the "Sefen Hundreds and Score Randomme" variation of positional practice, finally obliviating any need for additional nonsenses.

This "option to have games X" sounds like pure tyranny.  I hate it when people force options on other people...

notmtwain wrote:

And in one out of one hundred games, their opponent slips and gives up a stalemate.

Was that worth the five hours they spent playing out the other 99 games?

Most people say no.


Actually, I get more like five out of a hundred, put it's probably the class of player I compete against.  Again, your mileage may vary.