
Clothing Rules for Female Chess Players

pups788 wrote:

I don't get why we can't wear what we want to. I mean I grew up in a modest home so I'm going not to show up in anything revealing but I want to be able to wear jeans and a t-shirt that probably smells like smoke since I visit colorado once a year and usually keep something that smells like campfire smoke.

P.S. I love the campfire usually when I'm around one it helps me think, hince the smoky shirt.

That's what I meant to write, my computer being wierd right now. Laughing


My first tournament, there was a younger woman (20 or so) wearing an outfit that, while legal, was certainly distracting to me. I considered it part of her strategy, but she was carrying a 2000+ rating, so it wasn't her only strategy.

There's a psychological component to the game; this is hardly the first rule intended to blunt a mind-game attack.

If you don't like the rules, object.  If you really don't like them, don't play.  

Snowyqueen wrote:
Savage wrote:
Are you sure you understand what "discriminate" means?

This is absolutely discrimination. If business attire is required, that's fine, require it for men and women - "business attire" is an accepted term which doesn't require that women dress like men but is a well-established baseline.

But if t-shirts are okay, then women's casual clothing needs to be acceptable, as well. It is absolutely discrimination if men can wear t-shirts but women have to wear "blouses."

It's not discriminatory.  Men can wear T-shirts, Women can wear T-shirts, that's equal rights.

I would imagine they'd say something if men wear T-shirts that are cut so low that they expose chest hair, so same deal there!

Plus, low-cut outfits at chess tournaments can spread major diseases.  Let's say you are on board 1, you have White, and you are 23, single, and you have MRSA.  Black, an absolutely drop dead gorgeous woman who is 20 years of age, perfect shape and curves, is wearing a super-low cut shirt, and laying those things on the table.  You hunch over and drool the whole game...drips of saliva getting onto the White King.  You are watching her, and not the board, and she crushes you in 20 moves, and walks away.

Round 2 rolls around, and some really old man about Korchnoi's age plays White at board one, proceeds to castle Kingside, picks up the MRSA, and dies a month later.

Cause of death:  Exposed woman!

A place for men to complain about boobs.

This part of the official quote from the link in #1 is revealing, so to speak:
“Décolletés [the French word for cleavage] are partly covered in our regulations"
No further comment necessary ...
And zealandzen is right - what´s to stop you having the buttons on your shirt 6 inches apart and opening the top two? It´s not against the guidlines ... Tongue Out


You guys have to be kidding.  Play a standard opening that buys you some time and then spend a few minutes oggling her boobies.  I am sure that if she had some 'strategy', that would probably put an end to it.  Seriously though, how many good looking female chess players are there?


I do not understand the clothes problem...


I thought the young lady in the reference article photo was dressed fine.  If that is what they are out to stop, wow, these guys are really deprived.

The code mentions nothing about bras.  I hope to have an opponent one day in a really tight t shirt who shows up with a bowl of ice cubes intent on drawing my attention away from the game.


Shouldn't this topic be under "Chess Openings"? 

shimerian wrote:

Shouldn't this topic be under "Chess Openings"? 


I can smell the feminists typing away on their computers to ban this stupid rule.In my opinion this rule is unnesessary and people shouldn't have even thought about making it a rule,however at some points it is true that some men might find a simple unbuttoned shirt distracting :D.


I try to avoid chess tournaments because there are just too much of boobs everywhere, I spend my time on the Internet instead.


That girl knocked over some men but the black bishop is standing strong.


Look at these ladies with their makeup and hair at a tournament Laughing

You know how I get ready for a tournament?  I roll out of bed and throw on some un-ironed clothes I may or may not have worn the day before... and that's it, I'm out the door.

waffllemaster wrote:

Look at these ladies with their makeup and hair at a tournament

You know how I get ready for a tournament?  I roll out of bed and throw on some un-ironed clothes I may or may not have worn the day before... and that's it, I'm out the door.

woah stand back everyone we have a badass here
so macho


so, who votes for burqa :)))))) ?

TheARBChessSystem wrote:

I Think all this talk about Chess clothes is Sexist! 




Tottaly agree. And if playing against woman makes you so anxious and un-focused maybe you should try NOT TO LOOK. After all concetration is essential in a game like chess.

   <---- chess tournament   


I will be honest....when I go to a tournament...I put special attention n my attire.....why?   if I can  distract my opponent for a minute or two while playing there is space for  mistake.....and by saying this  I dont mean showing ALOT....classy sexy.  I used to have chess teacher who always said  "use every tool u have to intimidate ur opponent...first impression could be a powerful weapon then eliminate him on the board"