
slow games



I want to improve my chess by playing slower games. 30 minutes for example. However the problem I notice is that allthough I have 30 minutes, the first 10 -15 moves are all played as fast as my blitz games.

It is just that I can not think much longer for one move. Probably a concentration issue, but more people having this issue, and what techniques could be applied by thinking longer and more effective?

Thanks in advance! 


I sometimes find this to be the case. Try to motivate yourself to play slowly by making the game important. For example, play in an online tournament. This group regularly hosts slow tournaments. Perhaps make a goal to raise your rating 100 points in a certain amount of time. Just do something that makes the game have extra value and it will increase your focus.

The last few days I've been preparing for an over the board tournament and my concentration level has gone way up. All the best!


Thanks SJFG, I really appreciate your advice. Going to try that!


PaulEChess, also thanks a lot! 


Examine all checks and captures (forcing moves) before deciding on a move.  You don't usually have time to do this in speed chess, but you do in G/30.  Forcing moves are often the first move in a sequence leading to material gain, or even winning sacrifices.

Of course also look at non-forcing moves too, such as king safety, piece development, and space-gaining pawn advances, but try to develop the habit of examining all forcing moves on every move.

Charles Hertan has a very good book about this, "Forcing Chess Moves".  Follow the link to see the amazon page.