
Tricks and Traps


Are there any really good resources you would recommend for tricks and traps? Books, posts, online?

Hopefully ideas that could work on non-beginners....

Also, is this a waste of time? I find the concept fun.


Experienced players generally wony fall for obvious traps although I have gotten one or two with the fried liver. Try youtube there are loads of videos on there with tricks traps and openings. Hope this helps :)


First : I've read your personal page and learned a new word : sybarite, I like it !

And this concept is more than fun : I quote from The Oxford Companion to Chess " ... generally an attractive line of play that is less advantageous than it appears and which may have been deliberately set as a temptation by the opponent." 

They give an example of the Mortimer Trap and add : " ... traps which leave a player worse off when the opponent avoids them, should not be set, unless a player already has a lost position.  A trap that succeeds in such a case is called a Swindle "

Four well-known traps in the opening are Lasker, Tarrasch (2) and Wurzburger Traps. 

Marshall was renowned of his Swindles !

When you can not find those traps, let me know, I can have a look in my books for you.


@05: I only tried using the Fried Liver once, and it completely backfired on me! I was crushed. I think the tricks and traps are fun. I don't expect them to work on GMs. When I play Carlsen I only use solid lines.

@Romy: We learn something new every day. I have had others comment on that word...some very intelligent and educated people who were not familiar with it. Someone else mentioned The Oxford Companion to Chess to me recently. Worth getting? Also, what other books do you recommend?


@Ch_M : English is not my mother language, so I miss a lot of nice English words... but, reading  a lot helps...

The Oxford Companion to Chess by David Hooper and Kenneth Whyld, is worth buying, Oxford University Press, "the most useful chess reference book...". ISBN 0-19-280049-3; I have the second edition, 1996, 483 pages. See for more info.

Other books ? Could not find something especially on traps and tricks, perhaps books on Gambits can refer to them.


"101 chess opening traps" by steve giddins(GAMBIT)  may be worth a look.


I don't know if this will be of any help or if it's what you are looking for, but a long time ago I published an 8-part series on common traps that can be accessed from the right side of THIS PAGE.

batgirl wrote:

I don't know if this will be of any help or if it's what you are looking for, but a long time ago I published an 8-part series on common traps that can be accessed from the right side of THIS PAGE.

Thanks. This is great. I remember looking at your page a long time ago to read a story about Kasparov going back in time to play Morphy.