
Why do people get annoyed when you decline a rematch?


I usually get people flaming me when I don't rematch them in bullet chess. I just don't like playing the same person twice in a row; the games become predictable and boring. I prefer playing new people each time so the games are about thinking instead of repetition.


Many people want to get back at you if they lost. It's just in some players' nature. If you don't want a rematch, kindly decline in the chat, and start a different one. :)


si el oponente es muy fuerte y va ganando y ofrece revancha; creo que se aprovecha de ti. Si el rival es parejo y no hay mucha diferencia en el tanteador, con unas 8 o 9 partidas en bala es suficiente. Si el rival es débil no se debe aceptar más de 3 revanchas.


It is a matter of gamesmenship and it is courteous to allow your opponent to get a chance to redeem the loss in a follow up game.  I don't think anyone in this thread is above that are we?  If you want to play single games, then play the computer, it doesn't care, it is just the machine, playing one game every time much like yourself.  No insult intended, but it is what it is.


@scooby068, I don't see what you mean by "playing one game every time". Could you please clarify?

I used to play the computer a lot. It got very boring because no interesting positions would occur, and the computer would never take risks or make mistakes.

Why do people feel the need to "redeem" a loss in the first place? Isn't it good sportsmanship to accept a loss and move on? And knowing the people on this site, I hardly think "courtesy" is their top priority.


They are stupid.


It's equally discourteous to impugn others of poor sportsmanship just because you think you are somehow owed a rematch.


@ Mike and Scott, surely nothing is owed in the hard sense, but that is just indicitive of society's expanding non concern for their fellow man.  When you play a game of chess you are accepting his/her challenge and you enter into a temporary relationship, to see who has more skill, who is quicker or more clever and as fleeting and fickle as it may be, it is a relationship for that short time.  This doesnt' demand a rematch, but if you do, it demonstrates your respect for your opponent another human sitting on the other side of the board who enterered your life, just for a moment.  It certainly isn't necessary to do this if you consent to the ever increasing de-sensitized values that are permeating all corners of our society everyday.


They are taking losses personally.


Entitlement.  Plain and simple.


If I don't rematch a person challenging for any reason, I politely decline their challenge for what ever reason, if they are a terrible player, I'll especially take the time to have an encouraging word woven into it.  If your going to decline rematch, take the moment to say something and then you've shown respect.  If you decide not to rematch or make that HUGE effort to acknowledge even a meager "gg" note, then your indifference deserves to be commented on with negativity.  


So you're either entitled to a rematch or an explanation for lack thereof?

richie_and_oprah wrote:
scooby068 wrote:

It is a matter of gamesmenship and it is courteous to allow your opponent to get a chance to redeem the loss in a follow up game.  I don't think anyone in this thread is above that are we?  If you want to play single games, then play the computer, it doesn't care, it is just the machine, playing one game every time much like yourself.  No insult intended, but it is what it is.

disagree  on the idea of playing an engine for a single gane ,,, yes it is a courtesty rematching but it is not mandatory and no one is being unsportmanslike to decline a rematch unless they agreed to one originally and then do not honor that agreement

and the saying: it is what it is?

well, what you think it is, it isn't


'it is what it is" is a lame thought terminating cliche  ... smart writers eschew using them 

Lol, yea , you got me on "it is what it is".  I really hate that saying, it is lame, I can't believe I actually used it.  My apologies. :)

You can bastardize what I said to make it appear complicated and even a claim of entitlement to attack my thought from another angle, or you can keep it what it is, simply in two words  "Courtesy and sportsmanship".  Are you good with those two words ? :)
TheGrobe wrote:

So you're either entitled to a rematch or an explanation for lack thereof?

Thanks for the link, I can use this when I'm not abusing it.... Undecided

scooby068 wrote:
richie_and_oprah wrote:
scooby068 wrote:

It is a matter of gamesmenship and it is courteous to allow your opponent to get a chance to redeem the loss in a follow up game.  I don't think anyone in this thread is above that are we?  If you want to play single games, then play the computer, it doesn't care, it is just the machine, playing one game every time much like yourself.  No insult intended, but it is what it is.

disagree  on the idea of playing an engine for a single gane ,,, yes it is a courtesty rematching but it is not mandatory and no one is being unsportmanslike to decline a rematch unless they agreed to one originally and then do not honor that agreement

and the saying: it is what it is?

well, what you think it is, it isn't


'it is what it is" is a lame thought terminating cliche  ... smart writers eschew using them 

Lol, yea , you got me on "it is what it is".  I really hate that saying, it is lame, I can't believe I actually used it.  My apologies. :)