


Since he had some extra time, he doddley wandered down to Ricochet Threads (a thrift store) to find a white poetess blouse for his pet monkey. When there, he ran n2....  


Get orf.  Just 'cos this monkey wears white it doesn't mean she'd sit on any old shoulder.  Besides, this babe preferred to paint.  


MM's muzik box inspired his monkey to do other things too. Like.... 


Perform lap-dances and steal from street merchants. It was all fun and games until Batman became involved by following


....well, actually tippy-toeing, on the trail of....


....the ultimate dream.  Narnia.  Monkey, MM  & a reluctant Batman, packed a lunchbox & set off.  The nearest wardrobe was next door, but once outside, the trio noticed a rainbow.  It was bright & promicing.  Instead of shutting the front gate....they snuck out the back-yard.  Turning the corner & heading for the park they...


Decided to eat lunch early. Batman began unpacking the food and was dismayed to see that MiniMe had packed deep-fried


M&M's. Mini Me began alphabetizing them when, the monkey, on MM's back, shocked everyone out by yanking his toupee off. Everyone began hysterically laffing to tears when all of a sudden Batman....  


pulled out his phone and said,"Darn it! fltsrymy checkmated me like he always does!!" Suddenly, an evil gleam lit in his eye when...


just then, the whole story came to an abrupt close.




....wasn't quite how everyone thought it would end. The monkey stowed away in an antique basket loosely bound for Antigua w/ only a half-shelled coconut (to capture rainwater) and some sourdough bread (w/out goat butter) for provisions.

After washing ashore w/ blood-cracked lips & onset delirium, she was coerced-nabbed by a one-eyed icky freak aptly named Dennis (he used some LL gatorade). She was then forced (w/ a two-pronged peasant fork) to join a dastardly bitter-end pirate ship commandeered by a one Jack Sparrow.

Once underway, Captain Jack commissioned her (w/ the pay of three medjool dates) the pitiful duty of....