
Civil Magistrates' Court


Current Civil Magistrates

  1. Archon shahhussainkcl of New Athens
  2. Superintendent of Springs FirstPiece
  3. Commissioner of The Theoric Fund Michael-G

Visiting foreign dignitaries:

  1. Legatus Legionis Stormbringer of The 13th Legion of Rome
  2. Lupine Councillor Raul93 of the Forces of Nature
  3. The Princess of The Lotus Flower suezy of Romeo and Juliet and of The Leontis Tribe.



General StrategicPlay,

Welcome to my humble chambers. You seem puzzled. I suppose you would be by a new building suddenly appearing in the middle of New Athens, wouldn't you.

Let me explain. All military matters (i.e. match related) are dealt with by Generals and other Military Magistrates. Everything else is dealt with by the Archons and other Civil Magistrates.

Currently, there is only one Archon and no other Civil Magistrates but I needed a place were I can discuss things with non-military citizens without disturbing the Generals. I could do it via message but some things are better discussed publicly so that interested Citizens can occasionally participate.

As the number and variety of roles in New Athens grows, people will inevitably have questions about how things are supposed to be done and what the plan is for the city. This is where they would come to ask those questions.

Any other questions?


Don't worry about the Legion at your gates. This time I come in peace. It would seem that you are preparing for war. Well, war is a dirty business. Let us see if we can let the politicians talk it out. Here you may use Jupiter's chariot to go to the Roman Senate and discuss our issues. But, be warned "We are a warring Legion....." (3 day at least, plz)


LEGATUS!!!!! WE ARE HERE!!!........


Legatus Legionis Stormbringer -- Our citizens are marshalling into their tribes in preparation for military training (vote chess). What say you engage the first ready tribe? There are ten tribes of New Athens. How many tribes can The Roman Senate engage at one time? I don't expect you to say "all ten" but that will be fine for our purposes as our tribes will be happy to engage each other in war games. -- Archon shahhussainkcl.


Greetings Archon, I have told the Roman Senate about your group. However you are not available for vote chess matches. So, here's a link to us.


Excellent. Our tribes may take a few days to fully marshall but I thought I'd get the ball rolling with you now so you don't mistake it for a surprise attack. ;-)


Would I be able to become an SA of my tribe because I am going to be the vote chess leader for us, and I intend to be a very active part of the tribe?


Thanks for dropping by. That's a good question, Kyle. That's just the kind of question the Civil Magistrates' Court is for.

The only SA in New Athens is SA:jonathanstepney who does not take part in any of the running of New Athens or it's social, political or military activities. The officials of New Athens are (at most) admins where they need to be in order to perform their duties and only for as long as they have those duties. The idea behind that is to reflect the Ancient Athenians' suspicion of tyrannies and reluctance to concentrate too much power on one individual.

Your position as Phylarch of The Antiochis Tribe requires, at most, admin privs to perform. With respect to the New Athens military, General SnowyHurricane outranks you but in all military matters specifically relating to The Antiochis Tribe, you outrank him as he is one of your Hoplites.

Also consider The Hipparchs of New Athens. They are very valuable and very active members of the New Athens military but they do not need any admin-privs to perform their duties and so they get none. But they are still highly respected and, to some degree, transcend the tribes and fight more directly for New Athens as a whole.

One final point about limiting power is with regards to deleting or banning citizens from New Athens. This should never happen without due process and putting the matter before a Popular Tribunal for their consideration.

I hope that makes things a little clearer, Kyle. I think you'll enjoy being Phylarch.

Any more questions about the workings of New Athens should be posted here. This is the right place for them so that everyone else can see what we're talking about.


ok..wat is the actual role being the phylarch? is it the same as 'admin' responsibility


Oh hi, Phylarch artdeep1. Thanks for dropping by. Another good question.

First, 'admin' is a power rather than a responsibility. In New Athens, you are given the power you need to exercise your responsibilities and only for as long as you have those responsibilities.

So what are Phylarchs responsible for? Well, now we have individiual tribal groups (e.g. your tribal group is The Erechtheis Tribe which you've already joined). Historically, a Phylarch was a "tribal chief" and we interpret that to mean being responsible for the training and participation of Hoplites from your own tribe.

The key method for doing that will be through running training exercises (vote chess) against other tribes of New Athens and also groups outside of New Athens. To do this, you will need to be an admin for The Erechtheis Tribe and so you shall be.

In the future, you will work alongside 1-3 Tribal Councillors. Together you will be responsible for the flourishing and participation of your tribe in New Athens.

At the moment, you should start thinking about a good background for you tribe's group. It should be distinguishable from New Athens' background and any other tribal group's background while still in keeping with the ancient Greek theme of New Athens. The profile picture for the tribe's group should be your own profile picture so that everyone can immediately see who is the current Phylarch of this tribe.


Alright, I have the right forum this time :)


Ok. What I'm trying to work out is how the hell voting is going to work in New Athens. Initially I was thinking of using SurveyMonkey but I'm starting to see problems with that option and I'm struggling to come up with another alternative.

I'm hoping someone else (including StormBringer and Raul93) might be able to help me with this one. Any ideas?


One option is for me to write a New Athens Google Chrome extension specifically for voting but I don't know if everyone would be happy with that. Some people hate Chrome but others (like me) love it.


We could just do it in a news thing and then manually count the seems to be the most convientent way.


Yeah but I think it's important to make sure votes are anonymous. Say for example you don't think I should be Archon. You should be able to vote against me without having to worry about me holding a grudge against you about it. Therefore we need to ensure that votes are anonymous.


What's exactly keeping you from using SurveyMonkey? 


Well, the fact that the survey link can just be sent to anyone and we have no way of knowing that the votes are coming from bona fide Citizens of New Athens.


All rise for the arrival of the visiting foreign dignitary:
The Princess of The Lotus Flower suezy of Romeo and Juliet