The Best Of Titled Tuesday In 2024

The Best Of Titled Tuesday In 2024

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Credit for this article goes to Torsten Blass, a professional data analyst who runs The Data Digest, a YouTube channel. You can visit his channel at

Titled Tuesday is always a popular event, and that was no different in 2024: There were 106 tournaments (2024 being a rare year with 53 Tuesdays) with a total of 5,018 players participating. On average, each player appeared in 13.1 tournaments throughout the year.

Now, the question is, who were the best players throughout the year? There are any number of interesting ways in which the information can be broken down. Presenting the 2024 Titled Tuesday awards:

Titled Tuesday Player of the Year: GM Hikaru Nakamura 

GM Hikaru Nakamura is the clear winner for overall performance in Titled Tuesday in 2024. He led all players in tournament victories (22), prize money winnings ($34,350), and also percent of tournaments won (22 of 93 tournaments played, or 23.7%).

GM Magnus Carlsen is second with 13 tournament victories, $22,100 in prize money, and winning 22.8% of events entered (13/57). GM Alireza Firouzja takes third with a 10% win rate, the third-most wins with six, and fourth in prize money at $11,500, only slightly behind GM Alexey Sarana's $11,750. There were six other players that won the tournament four or more times. and all of them made it into the top 10 of highest prize money.

Note: The prize money figures in this section do not count Titled Cup bonuses.

Most Tournaments Won

Name Title Fed Wins Tournaments % Tourn. Won
Hikaru Nakamura GM 22 93 23.7%
Magnus Carlsen GM 13 57 22.8%
Alireza Firouzja GM 6 60 10.0%
Denis Lazavik GM 5 56 8.9%
Jan-Krzysztof Duda GM 5 58 8.6%
Aleksei Sarana GM 5 89 5.6%
Oleksandr Bortnyk GM 4 96 4.2%
Jeffery Xiong GM 4 76 5.3%

Most Prize Money Won

Name Title Fed Total Prizes Tournaments
Hikaru Nakamura GM $34,350 93
Magnus Carlsen GM $22,100 57
Aleksei Sarana GM $11,750 89
Alireza Firouzja GM $11,500 60
Jeffery Xiong GM $11,350 76
Jose Martinez GM $9,900 91
Dmitry Andreikin GM $9,700 91
Jan-Krzysztof Duda GM $9,500 58
Denis Lazavik GM $8,800 56
Oleksandr Bortnyk GM $7,450 96

Highest Average Score: GM Hikaru Nakamura

Which player has the highest average score, among those who played at least five tournaments? Nakamura wins again, with impressive 8.88 average, ahead of Magnus Carlsen's 8.65. Part of this is explained by playing on average a bit more games than Magnus (10.75 vs 10.35)—that difference in fact gives Carlsen a slightly higher average percentage, 83.6-82.6.

GM Anish Giri, who played every game in the 22 tournaments that he joined, comes in third place with a score of 8.45.

Name Title Fed Avg. Score Median Score Best Score Avg. Games/Tournament Tournaments
Hikaru Nakamura GM 8.88 9.0 10.5 10.75 93
Magnus Carlsen GM 8.65 9.0 11.0 10.35 57
Anish Giri GM 8.45 8.5 10.0 11.00 22
Aleksei Sarana GM 8.44 8.5 10.0 10.94 89
Denis Lazavik GM 8.41 8.5 10.5 10.80 56
Jan-Krzysztof Duda GM 8.41 8.5 10.0 10.78 58
Dmitry Andreikin GM 8.34 8.5 10.0 10.86 91
Tuan Minh Le GM 8.25 8.5 10.5 10.71 55
Andrew Hong GM 8.24 8.5 10.0 10.77 39
Oleksandr Bortnyk GM 8.16 8.5 10.0 10.75 96

Top Percentage Performers

Because the following awards are based on percentages, there was a minimum of 50 games with each color to qualify. Also excluded were players who regularly skipped the early parts of a tournament and thus enjoyed a significantly higher rating than their opponent for easier victories.

Highest Winning Percentage with White: GM Magnus Carlsen

In the end, Carlsen gets this award by winning 82.5% of his games with White, beating out GM Sam Sevian's 82.2%—which was achieved in only one-quarter of the number of games.

Name Games with White Win% with White Title Fed
Magnus Carlsen 291 82.47% GM
Sam Sevian 73 82.19% GM
Hikaru Nakamura 502 80.48% GM
Aleksei Sarana 495 79.39% GM
Levon Aronian 88 78.41% GM
Nikolas Theodorou 60 78.33% GM
Daniil Dubov 112 76.79% GM
Hans Niemann 189 75.68% GM
Amin Tabatabaei 74 75.66% GM
Fabiano Caruana 193 75.65% GM

Highest Winning Percentage with Black: GM Magnus Carlsen

Carlsen comes out ahead of everyone here as well, and by an even wider margin. Second-place GM Jan-Krzysztof Duda actually played more games with Black than Carlsen, so arguably comes off better in the comparison than Sevian.

Name Games with Black Win% with Black Title Fed
Magnus Carlsen 299 73.24% GM
Jan-Krzysztof Duda 312 72.44% GM
Alireza Firouzja 260 72.31% GM
Sina Movahed 79 72.15% IM
Azer Mirzoev 176 71.59% GM
Javokhir Sindarov 158 71.52% GM
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave 90 71.11% GM
Nihal Sarin 175 70.86% GM
Anton Korobov 82 70.73% GM
Ivan Zemlyanskii 84 70.24% GM

Lowest Losing Percentage with White: GM Hikaru Nakamura

The other giant of Titled Tuesday, Nakamura, finishes ahead of Carlsen in being the toughest player to beat in a game. However, neither player lost close to even one-in-10 games in which they had White!

Name Games with White Loss% with White title fed
Hikaru Nakamura 502 6.57% GM
Magnus Carlsen 291 7.90% GM
Sam Sevian 73 10.96% GM
Hans Niemann 189 12.17% GM
Denis Lazavik 309 12.30% GM
Alexander Grischuk 218 12.39% GM
David Paravyan 460 12.39% GM
Ian Nepomniachtchi 177 12.43% GM
Fabiano Caruana 193 12.44% GM
Levon Aronian 88 12.50% GM

Lowest Losing Percentage with Black: GM Maxime Vachier-Lagrave

GM Maxime Vachier-Lagrave is the surprise leader in terms of losing the fewest games with Black, but the usual suspects are right behind him.

Name Games with Black Loss% with Black Title Fed
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave 90 11.11% GM
Magnus Carlsen 299 13.38% GM
Hikaru Nakamura 498 13.65% GM
David Paravyan 455 14.07% GM
Jeffery Xiong 384 15.62% GM
Denis Lazavik 296 15.88% GM
Jan-Krzysztof Duda 312 16.03% GM
Dmitry Andreikin 480 16.46% GM
Daniel Naroditsky 344 16.57% GM
Ivan Zemlyanskii 84 16.67% GM

Most Games Won, Lost, and Drawn

Tournament performances are built game-by-game. Win, lose, or draw, every matchup counts. Who had the most of each in Titled Tuesday this year?

Most Games Won: GM Hikaru Nakamura

Nakamura managed to get 17 more wins than GM Oleksandr Bortnyk in 32 fewer games and, with 75.3% winning percentage he was ahead of Bortnyk’s 71.5%. Carlsen played few enough events that he misses this top ten entirely.

Name Fed Title Total Wins Win% Total Games Total Tournaments
Hikaru Nakamura GM 753 75.3% 1000 93
Oleksandr Bortnyk GM 738 71.5% 1032 96
Sergei Zhigalko GM 716 65.2% 1098 100
Aleksei Sarana GM 711 73.0% 974 89
Dmitry Andreikin GM 673 68.1% 988 91
Gata Kamsky GM 670 61.0% 1099 102
Matthias Bluebaum GM 634 65.8% 963 91
Jose Martinez GM 625 70.5% 886 91
Alexander Rustemov GM 625 56.5% 1106 103
Mikhail Golubev GM 576 49.4% 1166 106

Most Games Lost

Titled Tuesday is an incredibly strong tournament, there is no doubt about that, and there is no shame in being on this list. Only dedicated players, who love the game of chess so much that they will keep playing against such a strong field—no matter the results—will qualify. Marcel Winkels, a Dutch candidate master, participated in 94 tournaments, played 960 games and lost 723 of them, or 75.8%. That said, he did not have the highest loss percentage, which belonged to Colombian FM Mauro Vargas.

Name Fed Title Losses Loss% Games Tournaments Rating Best Rank Median Max
Marcel Winkels CM 723 75.8% 960 94 2161 171 2.0 5.0
Aurelio Vila Dupla FM 553 66.8% 828 85 2318 138 3.0 5.5
Guadalupe Montano Vicente NM 533 63.7% 840 77 2281 175 3.5 5.0
Rushan Bogaudinov FM 520 52.7% 987 97 2466 43 4.5 7.5
Mauro Vargas FM 514 80.4% 675 73 2415 117 2.0 6.0
Mikhail Golubev GM 483 41.4% 1166 106 2724 25 6.0 8.0
Alexander Reprintsev IM 478 46.2% 1035 97 2587 50 5.5 7.0
Dimitri Korol NM 468 53.1% 881 84 2487 72 4.5 6.5
Hajiyev Kanan FM 463 45.7% 1014 96 2572 39 5.5 7.5
Carlos Eduardo Cardozo Munar FM 432 60.4% 715 73 2296 112 4.0 6.0

Most games drawn: GM David Paravyan

GM David Paravyan not only got the most draws but also has a significantly higher drawing percentage than the other players, at 26%.

Name Fed Title Draws Draw% Games Tournaments
David Paravyan GM 238 26.0% 915 87
Gata Kamsky GM 229 20.8% 1099 102
Alexander Rustemov GM 189 17.1% 1106 103
Matthias Bluebaum GM 176 18.3% 963 91
Dmitry Andreikin GM 171 17.3% 988 91
Hikaru Nakamura GM 146 14.6% 1000 93
Aleksandra Goryachkina GM 142 20.0% 711 66
Guillermo Baches Garcia IM 134 17.6% 761 92
Jeffery Xiong GM 122 15.4% 791 76
Alexander Reprintsev IM 115 11.1% 1035 97

Perfect Score Award: GMs Magnus Carlsen and Jose Martinez

The only players that accomplished a perfect tournament in 2024 were Carlsen and GM Jose Martinez, both doing so in August.

Tournament Name Title Fed Score
Aug. 6 Late Magnus Carlsen GM 11/11
Aug. 27 Late Jose Martinez GM 11/11

Longest Winning Streak: GM Magnus Carlsen

First, let's establish just how difficult it is to produce any kind of winning streak in a titled tournament! The average maximum winning streak, just for grandmasters, was five games. Naturally, it's even more difficult for lower-ranking titles: international masters peaked at 3.6 on average, and the longest winning streak of FIDE masters was only 3.2 games. Candidate masters (2.87) and national masters (2.63) were below three.

Title Median Streak Avg. Streak Max Steak Players w/Title
GM 5 5.02 18 555
IM 3 3.60 11 792
FM 3 3.20 11 1575
CM 3 2.87 10 819
NM 3 2.63 7 745

Magnus's perfect tournament helped him to get to an 18-game winning streak after he then started 7-for-7 early on August 13. (He also won the first two games early on August 6, but then missed the next nine games, which here count as breaking the streak.)

Name Title Fed Longest Win Streak
Magnus Carlsen GM 18
Hikaru Nakamura GM 14
Leinier Dominguez Perez GM 13
Ian Nepomniachtchi GM 13
Daniil Dubov GM 12
Jose Martinez GM 12
Matthias Bluebaum GM 12
Oleksandr Bortnyk GM 12
Andrew Hong GM 12
Aleksei Sarana GM 12

Hikaru got his 14-game winning streak on January 30, winning the last six games of the early tournament and the first eight games of the late tournament.

Surprisingly, Martinez did not get his 12-game streak around the perfect day! Instead, he lost the last game of the tournament before and the first game of the next tournament. On September 17, however, he won the last nine games of the early tournament and the first three of the late tournament.

Sweeping The Day Award: GM Hikaru Nakamura

In 2023, six players accomplished the feat of winning both the early and late event on the same day: Nakamura, Vachier-Lagrave, Martinez, Carlsen, and GM Wesley So. But, in 2024, only Nakamura accomplished the feat... and he did so three times! This out of the 42 days on which he played both events.

The chart below also includes the score of the second-place finisher, as it demonstrates just how precarious these sweeps were—all three times, he needed tiebreaks to win at least one of the tournaments.

Date Time Name title Fed Score Tiebreak
Apr. 23 Early Hikaru Nakamura GM 10.0 83.5
Apr. 23 Early Alireza Firouzja GM 10.0 73.5
Apr. 23 Late Hikaru Nakamura GM 10.0 74.5
Apr. 23 Late Christopher Woojin Yoo GM 9.5 70.0
May 14 Early Hikaru Nakamura GM 10.5 80.5
May 14 Early Alexander Grischuk GM 10.5 77.0
May 14 Late Hikaru Nakamura GM 9.5 71.0
May 14 Late Daniil Dubov GM 9.0 77.0
Nov. 12 Early Hikaru Nakamura GM 10.0 80.0
Nov. 12 Early Alireza Firouzja GM 10.0 79.5
Nov. 12 Late Hikaru Nakamura GM 10.0 76.5
Nov. 12 Late Aleksei Sarana GM 10.0 75.0

Hikaru and five other players managed to come in second place or better in both tournaments of a day:

  • June 11: Nakamura placed second, losing tiebreaks to Sarana, in the early tournament but won the late event.
  • July 2: GM Arjun Erigaisi placed second both in the early and late tournament despite tying the leader, GM Dmitry Andreikin and then Nakamura, both times.
  • August 13: Carlsen placed second in the early and late event that day.
  • August 20: GM Jeffery Xiong placed second in the early and late event that day.
  • October 29: Firouzja placed second in the early and won the late event that day.
  • November 19: Nakamura won the early tournament and placed second in the late event.
  • December 24: Carlsen won the early event and placed 2nd in the late tournament.

Best Competition Defeated: Magnus Carlsen and Hikaru Nakamura

And who beat the strongest opposition based on average rating of the players defeated? This prize is split into games with White and games with Black, while only looking at players who won at least 30 games with the given color.

Highest average rating in wins with White

And here are the result for the white pieces: The rating of Carlsen's opponents that he was able to beat with the white pieces was 2864 on average, with a median over 2900!

Name Avg. Opp. Rating Median Opp. Rating Games Won (White)
Magnus Carlsen 2864.6 2909.0 240
Hikaru Nakamura 2847.0 2892.0 404
Alireza Firouzja 2820.7 2852.0 208
Wesley So 2819.8 2857.0 34
Anish Giri 2813.9 2822.0 89
Jan-Krzysztof Duda 2813.9 2837.5 224
Hans Niemann 2807.1 2812.0 143
Nihal Sarin 2807.1 2835.5 130
Javokhir Sindarov 2805.6 2814.0 119
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave 2805.5 2837.5 70

Highest average rating in wins with Black

With Black, it is now Hikaru Nakamura ahead on average and median, with Carlsen actually falling to third place. 

Name Avg. Opp. Rating Median Opp. Rating Games Won (White)
Hikaru Nakamura 2853.4 2900.0 349
Alireza Firouzja 2826.5 2859.0 188
Magnus Carlsen 2817.6 2852.0 219
Denis Lazavik 2807.1 2823.0 192
Jan-Krzysztof Duda 2805.2 2832.0 226
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave 2804.8 2836.5 64
Javokhir Sindarov 2790.8 2814.0 113
Anish Giri 2789.2 2809.0 78
Fabiano Caruana 2787.7 2821.0 128
Hans Niemann 2786.4 2809.5 120

Most Active Player: GM Mikhail Golubev

Among the thousands of players to join Titled Tuesday in 2024, only one, GM Mikhail Golubev, participated in all 106 out of 106 tournaments. He also played every single one of the possible 1,166 games!

Name Title Fed Tournaments Games Played
Mikhail Golubev GM 106 1166
Alexander Rustemov GM 103 1106
Gata Kamsky GM 102 1099
Sergei Zhigalko GM 100 1098
Alexander Reprintsev IM 97 1035
Rushan Bogaudinov FM 97 987
Derek Wu FM 96 844
Hajiyev Kanan FM 96 1014
Oleksandr Bortnyk GM 96 1032
Daniel Gutiérrez Olivares FM MNG 96 733

Naturally, Golubev also has the longest tournament participation streak, given that he played every tournament.

Name Title Fed Consecutive Tournaments Total Tournaments
Mikhail Golubev GM 106 106
Gata Kamsky GM 79 102
Daniel Barria IM 56 95
Alexander Rustemov GM 52 103
Hajiyev Kanan FM 51 96
Jose Martinez GM 46 91
Sergei Zhigalko GM 43 100
Asish Panda NM 43 87
Nikita Shandrygin FM 42 84
Jan-Krzysztof Duda GM 41 58

Biggest Upset Tournament Winner: GM Kacper Piorun

The table below shows the 10 lowest-rated players that won the Titled Tuesday tournament. All of them are grandmasters, and GM Kacper Piorun takes the award by winning on February 6 despite a rating of “only” 2844.

Rank Name Title Fed Rating Score Tournament Total Tournaments
1 Kacper Piorun GM 2844 10.0 Feb. 6 Early 12
1 Vladislav Kovalev GM 2875 10.0 May 21 Early 69
1 Jaime Santos Latasa GM 2934 9.5 Aug. 20 Early 44
1 Velimir Ivic GM 2963 10.0 Feb. 20 Late 28
1 Kirill Shevchenko GM 2971 10.0 Oct. 8 Early 3
1 Volodymyr Onyshchuk GM 2972 10.5 Dec. 10 Early 40
1 Eduardo Iturrizaga Bonelli GM 2978 9.5 Jan. 9 Early 11
1 David Paravyan GM 2992 10.0 Apr. 9 Early 87
1 Awonder Liang GM 2993 10.0 June 25 Early 7
1 Kirill Alekseenko GM 3003 9.5 Feb. 13 Late 39

Best Result For a Non-GM: FM Reza Mahdavi

Reza Mahdavi, a 16-year-old FIDE master from Iran, accomplished something that no non-GM did in 2023: He won a TT tournament. Note that, despite his title, he had a higher rating at the time than any of the grandmasters on the previous list.

It happened during the late event on Christmas Eve, which denied Magnus Carlsen the chance to sweep a day in 2024. Five other FM/IM players managed to place 2nd in these highly competitive tournaments.

Place Name Title Fed Rating Score Tournament Total Tournaments
1 Reza Mahdavi FM 3068 10.0 Dec. 24 Late 69
2 Rudik Makarian IM 3031 9.0 Feb. 20 Late 86
2 Joseph Girel IM 2813 9.5 Mar. 5 Late 4
2 Ivan Yeletsky FM 2931 10.0 Mar. 26 Late 34
2 Luke Harmon-Vellotti IM 2850 9.5 July 9 Late 1
2 Renato Terry IM 3050 9.5 Oct. 22 Late 57

Most Common Matchup

Two matchups happened 16 times each, and one player was part of both of them, who you might not guess on first glance: Martinez, who faced Nakamura and Carlsen 16 times each. In his games against Nakamura, Martinez managed to play as White 13 times. He lost all three games with Black but went +3 =3 -7 with White. Meanwhile, Martinez scored +5 =1 -4 in 10 games with White against Carlsen and +1 -5 in six games with Black. 

Best By Category Awards

Titled Tuesday was also divided into five different sections in 2024: overall, women, juniors, seniors, and girls. So far we have looked at the best overall results. What about everyone?

Women: GM Alexandra Kosteniuk

It is not easy to rate which women performed the best in 2024, although there are two clear favorites: GMs Aleksandra Goryachkina and Alexandra Kosteniuk. Goryachkina won the most women's prizes, but Kosteniuk played only 37 Titled Tuesdays compared to Goryachkina's 66. Kosteniuk thus held the advantage in prize money per tournament, average score, and difficulty of opponent.

Third place is a close call between four contestants: IM Meri Arabidze, IM Karina Ambartsumova, WGM Aleksandra Maltsevskaya, and IM Polina Shuvalova.

Rk Name Title Fed $ Won Best Finish Avg. Score/Games # Tournaments Avg. Opp. in W
1 Aleksandra Goryachkina GM $1,600 27 6.5/10.8 66 2529
2 Alexandra Kosteniuk GM $1,400 37 6.8/10.9 37 2579
3 Meri Arabidze IM $1,000 37 6.1/10.6 72 2520
4 Karina Ambartsumova IM $900 41 6.1/10.8 85 2485
5 Aleksandra Maltsevskaya WGM $800 29 4.7/8.5 69 2510
6 Polina Shuvalova IM $700 29 5.8/9.8 55 2549
7 Le Thao Nguyen Pham IM $500 54 6.0/10.7 51 2464
8 Gulrukhbegim Tokhirjonova WGM $400 24 6.0/10.4 37 2493
9 Tatjana Vasilevich IM $400 40 3.2/4.8 23 2495
10 Anna M. Sargsyan IM $400 37 5.3/9.6 47 2497

Juniors: GM Denis Lazavik

GM Denis Lazavik wins Best Junior ahead of GM Christopher Yoo. Lazavik only trailed Yoo in regards to his longest winning streak (eight versus 10) and with a slightly lower winning percentage with White (74.4% versus 74.6%), but otherwise had the better year. He won more prize money with a better average score against a better average opponent. 

Rk Name Title Fed $ Won Best Finish Avg. Score/Games # Tournaments Avg. Opp. in W
1 Denis Lazavik GM $8,800 1 8.4/10.8 56 2800
2 Christopher Yoo GM $4,500 1 7.8/10.7 51 2743
3 Pranesh M GM $1,700 2 6.2/8.4 34 2759
4 Reza Mahdavi FM $1,550 1 5.5/7.9 69 2695
5 Pranav V GM $1,100 1 7.9/10.7 43 2749
6 Artin Ashraf FM $200 4 5.7/8.6 58 2656
7 Marco Materia FM - 7 7.5/10.9 44 2661
8 Mamedov Edgar FM - 7 7.2/10.4 33 2660
9 Bharath S. H. GM - 10 6.8/9.8 36 2699
10 Havard Haug IM - 8 6.3/9.8 57 2591

Seniors: GM Gata Kamsky

GM Gata Kamsky is the only senior player who managed a top-five finish this year, coming fourth early on April 2. He also had the highest average score (7.7) in the top 10 seniors and the best rating, as well as the highest-rated opponents that he defeated. Kamsky was quite clearly deserving of this award.

Rk Name Title Fed $ Won Best Finish Avg. Score/Games # Tournaments Avg. Opp. in W
1 Gata Kamsky GM $200 4 7.7/10.8 102 2682
6 Alexander Rustemov GM $0 13 7.0/10.7 103 2624
2 Alexei Shirov GM $0 9 6.8/10.2 60 2618
4 Rodrigo Vasquez GM $0 9 6.8/10.1 59 2634
9 Vladislav Gontcharov NM $0 34 6.2/10.8 55 2467
7 Nikolai Vlassov IM $0 25 6.1/10.7 96 2486
5 Mikhail Golubev GM $0 25 5.9/11 106 2476
8 Daniel Barria IM $0 38 5.9/10.4 95 2493
10 Igor Yagupov GM $0 41 5.8/10.7 78 2451
3 Sergei Iskusnyh GM $0 40 5.6/9.6 56 2492

Girls: WIM Anna Shukhman

WIM Anna Shukhman only played 19 Titled Tuesdays in 2024, but made them count and deserves the final award of this article. On the top 10 from the leaderboard below, Shukhman had the best finish (41), the best average score (5.95), and was the only player whose average player defeated rated higher than 2500.

# Name Title Fed Best Finish Avg. Score/Games # Tournaments Avg. Opp. in W
1 Anna Shukhman WIM 41 6.0/10.5 19 2507
2 Afruza Khamdamova WFM 120 5.8/10.9 25 2450
3 Kalyani Sirin WFM 77 5.2/10.8 30 2413
4 Megan Althea Paragua WFM 85 4.9/9.9 38 2411
5 Diana Preobrazhenskaya WFM 167 4.8/10.5 25 2434
6 Nguyen Hong Nhung WFM 98 4.8/9.9 28 2458
7 Guldona Karimova WFM 124 4.7/10.5 27 2397
8 Bozhena Piddubna WFM 43 4.5/9.8 43 2355
9 Veronika Shubenkova WFM 76 4.2/8.1 81 2433
10 Maria Teresa Jimenez Salas WFM 68 4.1/10.3 51 2359


And those are our Titled Tuesday Awards for 2024! We went through a lot of data, and I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did compiling the stats.

Which award surprised you the most? The least? Do you have any disagreements with the award winners? Let us know in the comments!

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