From Pawns to Kings: The Unsung Villains and Heroes of Round-02 in My Group
Chisti123, New York

From Pawns to Kings: The Unsung Villains and Heroes of Round-02 in My Group

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My group's second round in the 2024 Daily Chess Championship is now complete. I don't have any games on hand, and I'm entirely stress-free right now. 

I used to spend a lovely afternoon strolling alongside a lake where boatmen were navigating their vessels. The lake was filled with translucent water. The urge to play the pipe had suddenly grown within me, but I had forgotten the lesson. 

A swarm of birds was flying just above our heads. The surroundings thoroughly impressed me. The day was one without hustle. I was wandering around, watching the birds and boats. I was concerned about how I would complete my third blog post for the competition on  

I observed that the boatmen were having difficulty putting their boats into the lake. Adjacent to the lake were a few tiny stores.

Having found no relevant topic, I chose to write on the advantages and disadvantages of my play that I had yet to address in my earlier works.

I began writing as soon as I got back to my room in the evening.

The Villains

This round, I made several more mistakes than the previous one, but my brilliance helped me overcome those. The mistakes are arranged here under the heading 'The villains.'I am always sad when there is an uneven blunder on the board.

My feelings  about my blunders

It’s not easy to handle the blunders, keep the right mood and continue fighting like nothing has happened. The bad news is that blunders are inevitable. Even Grandmasters and World Champions blunder."

-GM Avetik Grigoryan

Mistake # 01:Chisti123 (1738) vs Fortunawolle(592)

As usual, I was using my right hand to sip tea and looked at my phone to make a friend's request. Due to the complexity, I just managed to grab a pawn as he already had his queenside pawn chain by 8...b6, but if I checked his king with my queen(9. Qa4+), I might potentially gain his b4-bishop and most of his property.  

The position after 9.cxd5,Chisti123 (1738) vs Fortunawolle(592)

Mistake # 02: bumb22(1504) vs Chisti123(1743)

I could have won the knight and, most likely, the game in this reasonably even position if I had made the move 26...Qc6.Actually, I captured the pawn on d3 at 26... Qxd3. How simple it would be for me to acquire another point in my pocket if I took the logical step. My ticket could be confirmed closer to the next round. Why can't I let go of tiny projects?

The position quoted from bumb22(1504) vs Chisti123(1743) after 26 moves of bumb22

The Heroes

Good moves are always appreciated more than bad ones. Good moves enhance your position as superior. Everyone becomes happy whenever he can make a significant move, whether a simple pawn move or a brilliant sacrifice.

I'm always happy after a brilliant move!!

In my opinion, the following are to be regarded as the elements of chess strategy: 1) The center. 2) Play in open files. 3) Play in the 7th and 8th ranks. 4) The passed pawn. 5) The pin. 6) Discovered check. 7) Exchanging. 8) The pawn chain."

"Never play to win a pawn while your development is yet unfinished."

"One of the principal requisites of good chess is the ability to treat both middle and end game equally well.” 

-Aron Nimzowitsch, "My System" (1925)
Brilliances # 01:Muddlah(1195) v Chisti13(1810)
I have already reached the king's camp with every piece in this small but crucial game. Following that, 35.Rc1 Qf2+ 36.Kd1 Rd3#, and I mated his king.

An excellent mate by me Muddlah(1195) v Chisti13(1810) 

Brillances # 02:Chisti123(1753) Vs. Capi -vara- BR (1687)

In sound semi-Slav positions, I possessed the favorable white. 32.Nxd5 Rxf7 33.Nb6+, in this case, 33.Kc7 34.Qf7+ (I took one of his rooks and gained the seventh rank) Nd7 35.Qe6 (He can't capture the knight because there was a discovered check and mating threat with the next move). That place respected me. It would take me two more moves to win the game.

The position is an example of a fruitful attack on the king extracted from the nice Semi-Slav game Chisti123(1753) vs. Capi -vara- BR (1687)
Brilliances # 03:Chisti123(1723) Vs Farivar-Farsian(1588)
This game continued 22.fxg4 Bxg4 23.Be2 Be6 24.Rh1 f5(the last hope for defense was unplugged) 25. Qd4+(his queen will be captured, or his king will be mated within a few moves). He resigned from the game here.

An excellent penetration via line and open file at the end of Chisti123(1723) Vs. Farivar-Farsian(1588)
Brilliances # 04: Chisti123(1810) Vs. 3foldCountergambit(2200)
In this game, I managed to get into an excellent mating position with  3fold counter-gambit. Although I won after 39 due to a timeout, he had no way of saving his king.
An example of successful penetration via seventh rank Chisti123(1810) Vs. 3foldCountergambit(2200) resulted in mate

The continuation of the PGN was actually not in the game. I just added them to clarify the victory.

Brilliances #05: Chisti123(1743) Vs. bumb 22(1504)

The game was ended with 30.Qh7+ ; Chisti123(1743) Vs. bumb 22(1504) .Because the king would be mated in the next move. The attack was via an open file.

Once I finished writing, which took three and a half days, I considered what I could do to help myself unwind. I returned to the lakeside for a break after dealing with difficult situations for several days. I entered the lake after renting a boat.

I prefer to ride this type of boat. I went to the lake again to ride the boat.

Only a severe self-critical outlook will help a player to assess his strong and weak points and so further the process of improving his play.”

“Once there is the slightest suggestion of combinational possibilities on the board, look for unusual moves. Apart from making your play creative and interesting, it will help you get better results.” 

-Alexander Kotov, "Think Like a Grandmaster" (1970)

The application of my chess players' strategic thinking and decision-making abilities to real-world issues

Chess is more than simply a game; it's a way of life that may impart important life lessons about creativity, flexibility, quick decision-making, sacrifice, pattern detection, foresight, and seizing opportunities. Although these are quite difficult issues, I prefer to comply with them wherever possible.

You have to understand who you are, know what you’re capable of and what you’re not, and then try to construct a game – or a deal or a campaign – in which your superior qualities will be factors and your disadvantages will not be displayed.”

-Garry Kasparov         

Chess is a testing ground for pressure-induced decision-making, computation, creativity, evaluation and analysis, strategy, and ongoing performance development. 

For some of my moves during this tournament round, I had to comply seriously with these rules. He sacrificed a knight to stop my castling in a game with 3foldcountergambit, where I had the white pieces. I had to think seriously about whether I would eat the knight or go for castling as early as possible. In fact, I had to move my queen in a safe zone first, and then I could go for castling. It was a serious issue for testing ground for pressure. 

After making 14 moves, the most critical position in my latest round, Chisti123(1810)Vs. 3foldcountergambit (2200) was the 2024 Daily Chess Championship

Some of the best life lessons from chess include being creative, making quick decisions, analyzing mistakes, emotionally bluffing opponents, being flexible in planning, noticing patterns, thinking ahead and outside the box, seizing the right opportunity, being confident in our moves, being aggressive and taking action when faced with problems or threats, and having fun. 

Creativity is vital in chess since it allows us to devise and develop new strategies. We should study our mistakes and draw lessons from them to enhance our lives. We can also use emotional blackmail to our advantage by making people uncomfortable while making ourselves feel better.

My creativity is very simple, and I always lack efficiency in a complex position, although I was successful against 3foldcountergambit in round 02.

Chess requires flexibility because it enables us to adjust to unforeseen circumstances and make sacrifices to win.

 Identifying patterns in our surroundings and ourselves can improve our ability to overcome obstacles and lead happier lives.

In the other game against 3foldecountergambit, I had a kingside attacking position. After move 35, I had to assess a very tactical position. It was an excellent pattern-recognizing example.

In the position at move no.36 3foldcountergambit(2200)Vs. Chisti123(1810), I had a tactical pattern

Chess is a helpful instrument for learning and developing in the game and life. 

To Sum Up

Competing in chess competitions provides a sense of personal accomplishment and fulfillment, which boosts players' confidence and encourages them to pursue perfection. Chess is essential for cultivating a healthy and dynamic chess community around the world.

Dear Readers,

I hope this message finds you ill and thriving. As I journey together through the ever-evolving landscape of co-ordination chess skills and lessons with model games, I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and engagement.

Over the past months, I've explored many topics, shared stories, and delved into discussions that hopefully have provided you with valuable insights and perspectives. Your feedback and participation have been the lifeblood of this community, encouraging us to dig deeper and reach further in our quest for knowledge and understanding.

Looking ahead, I have some exciting plans. New series and interactive Q&A sessions are just a few of the initiatives I'm working on to enhance your reading experience and add more value to our shared space.

I also recognize your voice's importance in shaping this blog's future. Therefore, I invite you to share your thoughts, suggestions, and topics you'd like to see covered in future posts. We aim to make this platform as relevant and enriching as possible.

Lastly, I understand that your time is precious, and I'm honored that you chose to spend a part of it with us. Whether you're a long-time follower or have just joined us, please know your presence is appreciated.

Thank you for being part of our journey. Here's to continued exploration, learning, and growth together.

Warmest regards,
