
Announcing the "Chess Chatter Podcast"!

Announcing the "Chess Chatter Podcast"!

FM MattyDPerrine

Hey everyone! I’ve been busy over the past few weeks working on recording episodes for my new podcast and I’m excited to share the first episode with you all in this blog post! The name of the podcast is the “Chess Chatter Podc...

The Nakamura Trap

The Nakamura Trap

GM alexcolovic

This post is taken from my Substack newsletter. If you like it, consider subscribing. The name is my own invention and it refers to the “trap” that arises after the following moves: 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.b3 g6 3.Bb2 Bg7 4.e3 0-0 5.d4, with ...

What Century Am I In?

What Century Am I In?


Afternoon everyone. Although I post chess from the past, I very definitely keep up to date with what is going on in the chess world. I am not one of those who thinks that everything in the past was better, or everything today is better. Goat lists...

Journey to NM - One Point at a Time...

Journey to NM - One Point at a Time...


Hello there, welcome to the Lightning Reports! Surprise, surprise, I got to play otb chess again. Last weekend there was a local tournament on the schedule, and when I saw the list of pre-registered players, featuring a GM, two NMs, two 2100s, and...

Outpost Smart Drill

Outpost Smart Drill

WFM AlexandraSamaganova

Hi everyone! Today, May 30th, at 15:30 CEST, there will be a blitz tournament here on, organized by the OutpostChess Platform – Outpost Smart Drill with a lot of Smart Awards! Date: 30th of May, Thursday  Start Tim...

Hidden paths of the Winawer French (early ...b6 line)

Hidden paths of the Winawer French (early ...b6 line)

FM mizant

I stood confused after seeing the game played by Kasparov and Ivanchuk, where White, the best player in the world, got completely outplayed in only 30 moves — in the French Defense! I wondered, what kind of French Defense is this? Should I e...

"How a Chess Coach Shapes Your Strategy and Tactics"

"How a Chess Coach Shapes Your Strategy and Tactics"

GM Storne89

Hello, my dear chess friends! In this short blog, I would like to share my experience at a very strong chess tournament where my coach (and father, IM Nestorovic Dejan) helped me prepare for a game against GM Ulybin. It was my first win aga...

How to Start Analyzing Your Games

How to Start Analyzing Your Games

IM MatBobula

Chess is a game of strategy and deep thinking, where each move can significantly impact the outcome of the game. Analyzing your games is a crucial step in improving your skills and understanding of the game.  Analyzing your own games allows...

How To Solve A Chess Or Mental Game Struggle

How To Solve A Chess Or Mental Game Struggle

GM Illingworth

Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of embarking on a shared journey with countless chess players, each unique in their struggles and aspirations.   This is one of the most effective ways to solve a chess or mental game struggl...




An operating system to help you align actions and intent: the ICED framework  Discipline is often thought of as the magic missing ingredients between our lofty goals and the distracting reality. If only I were disciplined I would not play b...

Typical Attack on Same-Side Castled Positions

Typical Attack on Same-Side Castled Positions

FM Gertsog

Dear Chess Friends! This past Sunday, we had an insightful webinar titled “Typical Attacks on the Same-Side Castling Positions”. For those who missed it or want to revise the material, I’m excited to announce that the recording...

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