Alekhine's Gun!

Alekhine's Gun!

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The 1930 San Remo International was not at all a notable tournament, as the world champion Alexander Alekhine finished with 13 wins, 2 draws, and no losses. But the tournament is not known for Alekhine's performance - it is known for his 3rd round battle against Aaron Nimzowitsch.

Alekhine's Gun - a queen behind a pair of doubled rooks - is an extremely potent attacking formation. Loading the gun usually takes some time and patience, but it is always well-spent. 

The following duel between two world champions - Boris Spassky and Anatoly Karpov - is a case in point. When it appears that Black has survived the pressure, Karpov fires the gun.

An amazing positional display. By constructing the gun, Karpov totally immobilized Black's position and created unbearable pressure along the d-file. Spassky tried to stop the attack with a pawn sacrifice, but with no avail. 

Here is another similar example:

A textbook example! White's technique was not perfect, but it was good enough. With no counterplay, Black is forced to defend passively. As soon as the d6 pawn was eliminated, the gun fired! 

Now that you have seen three examples, it's your turn to operate Alekhine's Gun!