Welcome to the 2024 Club 241 Season on!

Welcome to the 2024 Club 241 Season on!

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Dear friends! With renewed enthusiasm, we embark on a new season full of exciting competitions and chess camaraderie. Here we present a complete look at all the tournament types that Global Global Club (241) has in store for you this year.

1 - Regular Live Tournaments:

Our regular live events are the constant heartbeat of the club's activity. Every week, immerse yourself in tournaments of different paces, from Rapid games to intense blitz tournaments. Yes, this year we add Rapid games on Thursdays, new 10 m Camaleon tournament. Obviously, the traditional weekly tournaments return, the 5m Camaleon (on Wednesdays), the 3m Camaleon on the last Friday of each month, the 241 Nations (Saturdays) and 241 Flags (Sundays), these last two will change from Rapid to Blitz every week alternately and they will be 90 minutes, unlike weekday events that last 60 minutes.
Regarding Club's Derby or Triple Crown 241, the member who wins 3 consecutive tournaments in the week will be awarded, even if there are 4 weekly tournaments
All our products have their respective logo that are activated during events, it is an alert that there is action in the club. Show your chess skills and compete in real time with players from all over the world!

2 - Monthly Series of Variants:

Explore new dimensions of chess with our Monthly Variation Series, 241 Passport Series. Every second weekend of each month, 9 30-minute tournaments to play the entire series. From 960 games, Rapid, Blitz, 3-Check, King of the Hill to intriguing Crazyhouse and BugHouse games, every month we challenge you to hone your skills in unique variations. Fun and strategy are intertwined in every move!

3 - Special Thematic Tournaments:

Throughout the season, we'll be hosting special themed events to keep the excitement high. From Halloween and Christmas tournaments to Anniversary competitions, each themed event brings with it a unique touch and memorable moments.

4 - Multiclub Challenges:

We are not alone in the chess universe, and our multi-club challenges offer exciting encounters with other communities. Represent Club 241 and compete against players from different corners of the world. The glory of the club is at stake!

5 - Team Tournaments:

Be part of the collective force in our team tournaments, chess by votes or daily chess in Matches against other clubs, where you will represent your country and our club, where all events will have their corresponding personalized portrait with our rivals. Every move counts, and your contribution can be the key to the team's victory. Build friendships, share strategies, and lead your team to the top!

6 - Awards and recognitions:

In 2023, around 3,000 awards and recognitions were awarded, including trophies, medals and insignias. In 2024, there will be more. The recognitions are renewed every year, like the Competitive Spirit. If sponsors arise for the club, we will be happy to include some premium memberships.

7 - Wallpapers:

The atmosphere of our club is essential for a better user experience. Just as we had the wallpaper for Halloween on the club's Anniversary, then we had it for Christmas and parties, recently for the Pre-Season, we will have for the season the Wallpapers of the "241 Countries and Regions of the World of Chess" by Pablo Picasso with AI that would alternate every week. Incredible works of art that represent the 241 countries and regions of the world in the style of Pablo Picasso, will be divided into 3 animations, completing the cycle every 21 days (80+80+81) as can be seen below.

This season promises to be an unforgettable journey, full of exciting games, strategic challenges and moments of camaraderie. Get into the action, hone your skills and make history in Club 241 on! Let the season begin with master moves and memorable victories!
More: Pre-Season 2024: Road to Success in 241!
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