Ballot Box

Ballot Box

Avatar of Nightwish85
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This achievement is about joining and completing a Vote Chess game. It's a type of daily standard game that takes place between 2 clubs and in which members of each club collaborate together in order to decide on the moves (by voting).
In order to do this you need 2 things:

1. Join a club that organizes Vote Chess games. You can follow the steps (starting in home page):

  • mouseover Connect menu -> click on Clubs
  • search for one that organizes Vote Chess games
  • click on a club to open it's page
  • most of them have here a Join button that you can use

Note: some clubs allow unconditional joining (you just click join and you are in), others only accept members if you fulfill a list of requirements (you can read about it in the club's main page)

Here is the link that takes you there directly.

2. Once you joined such a club:

  • look for an active Vote Chess game and join it (you can join even if it's already started).
  • some clubs show the current votes on moves, others show the votes only after you voted as well
  • you can discuss moves with other members in the comment section bellow the board
  • in order to vote you need to make a move and then confirm from the green button in the right panel
  • after that... just wait for the voting time to finish and the moves with most votes gets played
  • then wait some more for the other team to go through the same process
  • just repeat these steps until the game ends
  • done! now you got Ballot Box achievement

Here is a link that takes you to the Vote Chess page and where you can see the current games that you are playing.

Click here to return to the main blog page.