Coronavirus and

Coronavirus and

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We are facing an unprecedented global situation with unknown effects that will ripple into the future. I want to express my sorrow to all those who have lost someone they love. To those who are scared, concerned, and uncertain about the future, I share your concerns and look forward optimistically to a return to normalcy. And to those who are doing their part by staying home, washing thoroughly, and staying calm - the world thanks you.

Like many others around the world, my family and I are on lockdown due to coronavirus (COVID-19). It’s been pretty stressful to be in one of the most infected counties in the USA. Today’s “stay at home” order led to a huge rush at the grocery store and a huge rush of emotions. I share the same fears as many others around the globe. While my children are unlikely to face danger, what about my parents who are over 70? What about me? What will happen to the global economy? Do we have enough food? Do we have enough toilet paper??

We didn’t know what to expect during this global shutdown. What we have seen is the same as many other gaming companies: a massive surge in activity due to people staying home and turning to joyful entertainment to pass the time and keep their minds off of their worries. We are seeing record numbers of new registrations and games played each day. And we are all working hard to make sure that everyone can peacefully enjoy chess during this otherwise chaotic time. 

Also at this time, a LOT of people are telling us the same thing: Our chess club has shut down… How can we run a virtual chess club online? We’ve created a few articles to help clubs come online and enjoy many of the same benefits online that they have in offline/otb (over-the-board) clubs.

For Adults: How to Run Chess Clubs and Events Online

For Kids: How to Manage a Scholastic Chess Club Online

Empty tournament room from the Shanghai Chess Academy. Photo:

In addition to keeping our service running and assisting chess club organizers looking to connect communities and run events online, we are also working to put together a charity event to raise money for those most impacted by coronavirus. Hikaru Nakamura, Alexandra Botez, and Danny Rensch are working on an awesome charity event to provide support for those who have been impacted. Details coming soon. is working hard to keep everything stable during this time. We’ve been a remote-work company since the very beginning, so as a company we’ve had very little adjusting to do in how we handle things. We’re just all working a little extra right now to support you and your love of chess. 

At some point we will return to a new normal. Until then, stay safe, relax, and enjoy the time with those you love.




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Yes, I am the guy who started (along with Jay, Igor, Piotr, and many others). I have 3 amazing daughters, one wild son, and a wonderful, patient wife! I learned chess when I was 8 years old. Since then I have been playing, studying, and enjoying it regularly. I prefer semi-open and closed positions that blow up tactically (like the Closed Sicilian, King's Indian, Glek etc). 

Want to know more about how got started? Read about it here!

I blog about the past, present, and future of! (And sometimes my amateur games...)