200 Views: A Chess Odyssey

200 Views: A Chess Odyssey

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Hello, and welcome to the Weekly Checkmate! In this issue we will:

- celebrate 200 views!

- examine some updates to; and

- make some predictions!

So, let's get started!

200 Views: A Chess Odyssey

Today the Weekly Checkmate is celebrating 200 views on 2022: A Year in Review! Thank you all for the support!! Also, multiple other blogs reached 100 views. You can find them in the side block.


So, has had some updates recently. Let's take a look at them!

1. The Miss Icon

This slightly new icon is in game analysis, specifically in game review. It will show up when you miss checkmate, a tactic or an opportunity to improve your position.

2. The Superbowl Bots

It's that time of year again! That time of year football fans around the world have been waiting  for. The Superbowl! And now, it is time to make your own Superbowl legacy. 

The Superbowl bots are out, and ready to rumble! Both bots have the 1000 Elo, but their chess styles match similarly to their football ones, with the Eagles getting solid defense and the Chiefs getting agressive offense.

The Superbowl bots, with the Eagles on the left and Chiefs on the right... 

3. Daily Puzzles

It might have been quite a while since they released this, but recently added a tracker under the daily puzzle video, to count the number of people who solved the daily puzzle. This is possibly going to be a measure to gauge if they should adjust/add/remove/mix lessons.

4. The February bots

Yes. It is official. Mittens, Catspurrov and the other cats have disappeared into a mysterious black hole. Or am I just kidding? We may never know, because however they disappeared, Mittens & co are gone. And the bots that replaced them? Taking revenge for M3GAN after her sore defeat in the Computer Chess Championship are the new A.I bots...

Yup, there they are! With the Eagles and the Chiefs... and MITTENS!?

And that's all for the updates recap!

The Predictions Booth

So, after that recap, it's time to do some predicting! Feel free to add anything else you predict in the comments below. Bots

Maybe some numerical bots or leprechauns for pi day and St Patrick's day? Or Earth Day bots?

Will Mittens come back next year? 

Thank you everyone for all the support! Thank you for reading.

hb64, signing off.