One of Aman Hambleton's (ChessBrah) Greatest Queen Sac Swindles
James Ruga @ Blue Chess

One of Aman Hambleton's (ChessBrah) Greatest Queen Sac Swindles

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I bet you want to see a great queen sacrifice. Well, here is one for your consumption. GM Aman Hambleton of the Chessbrahs destroyed his opponent after a shaky start in this game. He was 2100 ELO at the time and he managed to defeat his first grandmaster.  In the opening, white did not get to develop his pieces on the Kingside but he ended up winning on the Kingside.

Here's a recap of the game.

His opponent must have hit his head after realizing that Aman didn't intend to take in h6 with the rook first but to sacrifice the queen in a forcing mating sequence. 

Aman regards this as one of his greatest moves.

Aman Hambleton vs Joshua E. Friedel
"Aman's Gotta Do What Aman's Gotta Do"
Canadian Open - Westin Harbour Castle (2010), Toronto, Ont., rd 6, Jul-15
Nimzo-Indian Defense: Classical Variation (E32)  ·  1-0