Torre predicts bright future for Wesley

Torre predicts bright future for Wesley

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Eugene Torre, the first Filipino and Asian chess Grandmaster, on Friday predicted a bright future for compatriot and protégé Wesley So, who at 14 is today’s youngest GM in the world.

Torre even likened the pride of Bacooor in Cavite to American chess legend, the late Bobby Fischer, who, like So was a self-taught player determined to succeed in his chosen field.

“Like Bobby, who was older than Wesley when he became a Grandmaster, Wesley learned the rudiment of the game on his own, studied and still studying on his own to improve on his game and excel,” Torre, a known bestfriend of Fischer, said in the SCOOP forum at the Kamayan Restaurant-Padre Faura.

Torre even added that like him, So is most-likely to be a candidate for the world championship, given the support he needs.

“He is still young, dynamic and knows what he’s doing. This early, I would say that he has a bright future. Same with the Philippine chess, with Wesley emerging as a chess hero and inspiration worth emulating, he can serve as the force for the revival of chess in the country,” Torre added.

Torre though said So needs the full support of all sectors of society, from the government to the private sectors to bring back the glory days of the sport in the international arenas.