Studying Chess Tactics
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Studying Chess Tactics

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Written for a grandchild and sharing on this blog:

Are chess tactics important, and how often should you study them?

Studying tactics is a great way to improve chess skills. Along with playing games to give actual experience, the study of tactics increases the ability to recognize patterns that can lead to improvements in the board position and bring games to a successful conclusion – checkmate!

First, recognize that solving a tactical exercise is only part of how to develop chess skills. However, it is an important part because every game consists of many tactical situations. Anticipating, recognizing, and creating them make you a better player.

GM Petar Genkov Genov
Tactics are entertaining and important, according to GM Petar Genkov Genov. Photo by

A recent article on defines 38 chess tactics and gives examples for each one. Although GM Petar Genkov Genov considers “tactics the most entertaining and important part of chess,” reviewing a list of definitions is not exciting. Memorizing a definition is not the goal; understanding it is. As you study tactics, realize that you are not memorizing so much a position and a response as you are understanding a core concept of what is happening on the board and determining a response to make so that you don’t miss an opportunity to win. In his YouTube video “Tackling Chess Tactics” (below), IM Daniel Rensch teaches that “the recognition of what’s weak in your opponent’s position, of course, is a muscle that you want to have all of the time.”

The way to learn tactics is actively, and the puzzles on let you learn in this manner. As GM Andy Soltis explains in Studying Chess Made Easy, “The more active the learning, the more fun it can be and the more motivated you will be.” Combined with playing regularly, studying tactics actively can make you a better player.

GM Andy Soltis

GM Andy Soltis recommends learning actively. Photo by U.S. Chess Trust.

When you study tactics, should you focus on speed or accuracy? For beginning as well as all players, accuracy is critical. Being fast but having a wrong answer doesn’t meet any goal. Always solve a puzzle as correctly as possible. Speed improves with regular study.

FM Alisa Melekhina
FM Alisa Melekhina studies tactics daily for at least 10 minutes. Photo by Spectrum Studios.

FM Alisa Melekhina in the May 2019 issue of Chess Life admits that she vowed to “do at least 10 minutes of tactics a day” after she had played below her expectations in a tournament. If a player who has achieved the high level of FIDE Master practices tactics daily, similar practice should be helpful for all players who want to improve regardless of their ratings. She even asks, “[W]ho can resist’s Puzzle Rush?”

IM Jeremy Silman
IM Jeremy Silman advises, "Study tactics." Photo by The Great Courses.

Although Puzzle Rush is entertaining, the Learning mode of Puzzles on is an even better learning tool because it lets you pick specific tactics where you want to improve. As IM Jeremy Silman recommends, “Study tactics. And pick up tons of patterns. That’s the drumbeat of success.”

Studying chess tactics is important. How often should you study them? Every day.

Thanks for reading! What do you recommend? How frequently – and how long -- do you practice chess tactics?

Ray Linville

Ray Linville’s high point as a chess player occurred when he swiped the queen of GM Hikaru Nakamura in a 60-second bullet game in 2021.  This game was reported in a “My Best Move” column of the Chess Life magazine, published by the U.S. Chess Federation.

At, he has been an editor (part-time) since 2019 and has edited news articles and tournament reports—including those of the Candidates and World Championship Tournaments and other major events—by titled players and noted chess writers as well as Game of the Day annotations by leading grandmasters. He has also been a contributing writer of chess terms, e-books, and general interest articles for

He enjoys “top blogger” status at His blog has won the award for Best Chess Blog from the Chess Journalists of America for several years. In addition, he has also been the recipient of first-place CJA awards for feature article, humorous contribution, online review, and educational lesson as well as honorable mention in the categories of personal narrative and historical article.

This blog has won the award for Best Chess Blog from the Chess Journalists of America. In addition, I have also been the recipient of first-place awards for online review, feature article, humorous contribution, and educational lesson as well as honorable mention in the categories of personal narrative and historical article. Articles that won these awards are:

In addition, my article "How Knight Promotions Win Chess Games" was selected by as "Blog of the Month."

Be sure to check out these articles as well as others that I have posted. I hope you enjoy reading what I have written and will follow this blog to see my future posts.