TDDOTMW: United Front Dissolving?

TDDOTMW: United Front Dissolving?

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NOTE: This is about the Medieval War. I have not used anyone's user except for one. This blog is not meant to make anyone feel bad, this is just for content. If I make you feel bad, just let me know. There will be parts where things will be inaccurate. If you don't know what the Medieval War is, then just ask me and I can give you a brief description via private message. Enjoy!

The Medieval War is one of the biggest events in Club Wars and one key thing part of it is making alliances with other clubs to take a club or alliance down and force them to "surrender". Well, only after a few days that the debut of TDDOTMW came out, there were many alliance swaps but do they come with a twist? Or is a real betrayal after one another to try to create bigger forces to destroy their former admins? Well, I may or may not know a few things about this switching and moving around but let's get started!

As I previously mentioned, Global Chess Community might leave the United Front because of reasons. Obviously, GCC isn't gonna leave the United Front and side with their rivals, the Bruh Alliance, right? Yeah, no. They left the United Front. Yet they haven't joined the Bruh Alliance. Currently, GCC is not in the United Front nor are they in the Bruh Alliance. How come you ask? There's another club, Nickolay and Friends who won't ally with each other. I couldn't find any good evidence to why this would happen but for now, Global Chess Community is not in an alliance as of right now but could soon change...

As the title says, is the United Front really come to an end? It might seem so right now and unless they come back together, the United Front is no more. Their ringleader, The Chess Mafia led by an admin with so much power now has left its own alliance. Now, will the United Front dissolve in the coming days? It might seem so but other clubs have refused to leave the former Mafia led alliance. The Green Team, We Are Back and others are not going to leave this collapsing alliance. They are still confident that they will destroy R2GM and come out victorious. 

I've already wrote about this and Super Chess Masters is the club with the most territories without being in an alliance (rather than GCC). They aren't in the Bruh Alliance nor the United Front. So are they a quiet club that'll emerge an unlikely victory? It might be so, for now. They do have a good amount of territories with having 9, which is the third most claimed territories out of all the clubs competing. They might not be a big threat right now but maybe they're waiting for a good time to attack when everyone is worn out and can't deal with the Medieval War and then SCM comes in and conquers the world. Maybe they decide to join the Killer Kings Alliance? Or maybe ally with Global Chess Community? We'll see about this one when the third part comes out Wednesday. 

Just to end it here, TDDOTMW will be posted every Wednesday or Thursday depending on my schedule. I do have volleyball matches scheduled so hopefully, I can post these for the readers that have nothing to do. Hopefully you liked this blog and have a good one.

The Diplomatic Dispute of the Medieval War Series