
Here I will inform about the daily tournaments created by me I already created and launched 7 daily tournaments called Hello, Hello 2, Good luck, Good luck 2, Hello good luck, Hello good luck 2, Hellosos.
andros444 May 11, 2023
Oschatzer82 Mar 30, 2023
I'm in a tournament where my group has finished, but the others are still ongoing. I won my group. If I withdraw, am I still put into the next round when it starts, and my games autoresign? Or will I not be in round 2 at all?
My club plays many daily matches. Regardless of your rank, please join. club link: link to join:
KotMat12 Mar 6, 2023
CHESS FRIENDS CLUB We warmly invite you to become part of our exclusive club for passionate chess players! Our community offers a plethora of activities such as team chess and vote chess, as well as opportunities to engage with our forums and news to gain insight into various facets of the game. Furthermore, the club is home to experienced players who provide lessons and share their expertise with members. All in all, we strive to make the experience as enjoyable and rewarding as possible. To be eligible to enrol in our club, you should have completed at least 50 daily games on, with at least a daily match rating of 1100 and 960 rating of 1000, ratings from Rapid, Bullet, Blitz and Variant Chess, etc. are not taken into consideration when applying as these are designed to help players develop their chess knowledge. Your daily game timeout ratio must not be more than 5%. Additionally, we ask that you limit your membership to no more than 35 clubs on since this may affect your performance in each club. Finally, we in all fairness invite you to engage in our team matches and vote chess games. Join us today to gain mastery of chess while having a blast. Premium Members It is with great pleasure that we extend a warm welcome to all of you! Our club consists of premium members, FIDE-rated players, and administrators. If you would like to become a part of this exclusive and trustworthy group, you must have a gold, platinum, or diamond premium membership, hold a FIDE title, or be a member of the staff. We are actively engaged in all aspects of chess and are currently participating in team and vote chess matches. Apart from this if you wish to be part of our team you must have played at least 50 daily games of chess on and must possess an adequate daily or Fischer Random rating, such as 1000 and 900 respectively. Ratings from rapid, bullet, blitz and variant chess, etc. are not taken into consideration as they are only used to help develop your chess aptitude. Additionally, your daily game timeout ratio must not be more than 5%. After you become a member of our club, we hope you have an enjoyable experience with our other esteemed members and the crew. Our discussion board is home to a wealth of chess-related knowledge, in addition to music, poetry, humour, and more. Our titled players are eager to provide instruction and guidance. We welcome your input and creativity too. Finally, we would be delighted if you were to join in on our team games and voting chess battles.
John_Warren Feb 20, 2023
I'm playing only 5 at a time. I've seen members with hundreds of active games. I don't know how they do it.
BishopofCadbury Feb 1, 2023
Hello everyone!
I am the highest rated player in my group in the 2022 Daily Championships and am wondering if there are some strategies I should use
Gigabyte_Malware May 5, 2022
Hello Chessfreinds here you can join to tournament for peace in Ukraine
Mr_EarlGrey Feb 28, 2022
Many of you may remember that I advertised my annual World Series of Chess tournament here in the forum of this club. Well, it's that time of year again, so join the 12th-annual, 2022 World Series of Chess! With just 30 players, we'll begin!
whirlwind2011 Feb 25, 2022
Hello guys. Thought I would post here if anybody was interested in daily chess tournaments with custom setups (unrated). Here are a few:
RALRAL3333 Feb 18, 2022
Good Luck!
Tobstar123 Jan 24, 2022
Link to the tournament:
Ferdynand2606 Jan 5, 2022
Can we use the database or explorer? I know that we cannot use engine
flashlight002 Nov 18, 2021
musicmix2020 Oct 24, 2021
Please join to this tournament:
Ferdynand2606 Aug 1, 2021 look at my chess videos and tell me in the comments what i can do to improve I could help learn from others
Liliana_Moon Jul 14, 2021
Can you find it?
NotSomeRandomDude Apr 14, 2021