
Ivanov is the real Houdini


Ok regardless if he's Houdini,the magician or Houdini,the engine

I just want to ask on how can the magic be done?

How are the moves transmitted ?I can't really wrap my mind around it.

Show me the trick


he scoots his legs up in the box and those are fake feet sticking out the other box.


He's got those little My Favorite Martian antennas (only you can't see them while he's playing).


someone said he has contact lenses that have wireless digital readouts on them. sounds farfetched, but plausible. Someone else said something in his shoe will transmit vibrations in a sort of morse code. Farfetched and implausible to my mind. 

One thing's for sure. He will be caught. I read in a batman comic once that criminals like to get caught, and they always return to the scene of the crime. 

he'll be back. Next time some overtestosteroned GM is going to jump on his back and pull his shirt right off. He'll get arrested and charged, but the wizard will have the curtain pulled back on him, and people will secretly consider the assaultive GM a hero.


Let's examine the shoe theory

Morse code? I would be interested on how this works.For example 1.Nf6...How do you transmit that using certain vibrations?There should be a certain vibration for K,Q,N,B and R then we have the numbers,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, and 8 then for the files we, have a,b,c,d,e,f,g and h then 0-0 and 0-0-0 and maybe even x for capture .Over all we have 24 symbols ,each are represented by distinct vibrations that Ivanov masterfully recognizes by just the sole of his foot ! Magic...