
Chess n Cats


Couldn't quiet capture my cat, when she sees pieces then she goes ballistic. Have to keep an eye on her and protecting the pieces AND taking pictures....not easy.

Here she's acting innocent...



Hahaha, does she prefer any particular wood for her victims? tongue.png


She's three months old now, I actually don't wanna find out what woods she prefers. As she's the only one who likes to play chess, I suspect she's the one that played with my rook. It took me a day to find it. Since then I never let my set out overnight. She's the devil I'm telling you!


Awww she is so cute! Could tell from the photo you were trying to take pictures and save your chess set at the same time 😄

TheOneCalledMichael wrote:

Couldn't quiet capture my cat, when she sees pieces then she goes ballistic. Have to keep an eye on her and protecting the pieces AND taking pictures....not easy.


Here she's acting innocent...


I love her 😍 So deadly and cute 😺❤️


This is my second cat, showing off her incredible chess skills..😉


Haha that's you can do anything with her while asleep. Love that happy.png


Alma and Circe and the Love for chess pieces. They love chessboard bed. But...for a fraction of a second, if I weren't a "defensive  player , well.."cat eat knight"

Lacan Cat

Hartlaubneumann wrote:

Alma and Circe and the Love for chess pieces. They love chessboard bed. But...for a fraction of a second, if I weren't a "defensive  player , well.."cat eat knight"

Lacan Cat

Hahaha 🤣 Brilliant pictures 😄👍


I have four cats and the same problem. 


Lol all adorable cats! 


Well as the first pic in OP shows, you cannot have enough weighted pieces when playing blitz. The pieces are flying all over the board when she made her move.

People say for blitz play the pieces must not weight too much but I beg the differ after showing proof of this wink.png


That's uncalled for chief. Cheer up there are worse things in the world.


Here's my eight month old kitty on her best behaviour with my old beater set I bought in the early 1980s. The board is a greenwood and birdseye maple Rechapados Ferrer I bought from HOS. No, she isn't winking. She only has one eye. I was looking for a better place to launch my kayak when I found her on a boulder next to the river. She was about four weeks old, underweight, malnourished, flea infested, and in the middle of nowhere. Her right eye was either deformed or had been injured, the vet couldn't tell. Now she's well fed, spayed, micro-chipped, and has had her bad eye removed to prevent future problems.


Glad she found a good home G! She's a beauty!

She’s lovely Gomer!
sound67 wrote:

May I propose a safe-for-chess cat then. 

Best kind of cat, too.



QueenClaudia2003 wrote:
sound67 wrote:

May I propose a safe-for-chess cat then. 

Best kind of cat, too.



Yeah, I know.  I was hoping that Michael, as the creator of this thread, could scrub that post but it looks like he can't - he'd have to delete the entire thread.  I'm not sure what would happen if he blocked him.  You never know what you're going to get with sound67 - one minute it's wisdom and insight, the next it's full-on j.a.c.k.a.s.s. passed off as "humor".  A coin flip every time.

ChessSilje wrote:

This is my second cat, showing off her incredible chess skills..😉

Now these are the sort of chess skills that everyone can easily practice. I will commence a rigorous training program right away! The cat is very adorable, by the way.


Feline gambit