
Chess Sets In The Movies


Hello,Did you notice that in the first snapshot of the seventh seal the board is set up incorrectly? 

Death is cheating ...

LOL. I think that first shot is inverted. You can't cheat Death.

cgrau escribió:

Hello,Did you notice that in the first snapshot of the seventh seal the board is set up incorrectly? 

Death is cheating ...

LOL. I think that first shot is inverted. You can't cheat Death.

In fact not, :) 

Seventh seal is one of the films where the board is setup wrong in some scenes... I told, deah is cheating

szociofoto wrote:
cgrau escribió:

Hello,Did you notice that in the first snapshot of the seventh seal the board is set up incorrectly? 

Death is cheating ...

LOL. I think that first shot is inverted. You can't cheat Death.

In fact not, :) 

Seventh seal is one of the films where the board is setup wrong in some scenes... I told, deah is cheating

I stand corrected. Thanks1


Death always cheats...nobody ever wins!


Good catch, Bobby.


Hi Bobby, correct me if I'm wrong (and it's late here so that's very possible) but if a pawn on d7 had taken a piece on e8 and promoted to a queen would this not have resulted in the revealed check of the rook and queen (and mate) in a single move.


Whoever chess is shown in movies it's depressing or tense moments. Haven't you noticed?

Drawgood wrote:

Whoever chess is shown in movies it's depressing or tense moments. Haven't you noticed?

 Either that or to convey in a really heavyhanded way that the characters are super super smart. 


Magneto and Xavier use one of those glass sets in X-Men. ( I find those sets super hard on the eyes but I guess one can't use normal weighted tournament pieces when one's opponent has the ability to control magnetic stuff.


The chess scenes in Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows are better than many (although I am a little biased since I love Sherlock Holmes and I lap up any SH film, no matter how camp or ridic). It had an awesome old-fashioned chess clock, too.



I wanted a glass chess set when I was a kid. I remember it being like $100 at Sharper Image. Id never buy one now though!


@isayoldboy I agree with your observation as well. Chess is used as a visual tool or a plot hook in all sorts of movies, from good ones to crappy ones, to give an image of intellectual superiority to the characters. I have to say, however, that despite the majority viewer opinion, I do like the two Robert Downey Jr. Sherlock Holmes films. I don't think it captures anything anywhere close to what I'd consider "authentic" but the movies are just fun.


I am wondering whether anybody knows from available screenshots of Winston Smith's chess game from 1984 film whether the set up is a a real chess game. Maybe it's some known chess game as opposed to people having played it correctly for the screen? You can see many images of that chess scene by searching google images with "Orwell 1984 Chess"


Does anyone know what two chess sets were used in the highlander series season 1 and season 3?


What is the chess set in the Rob the Mob film?






Re-enactment of chess game from tv series "The Prisoner"

Crazychessplaya wrote:

A set somewhat similar to my own, from a 1967 black and white movie Szach i Mat!


Has anybody seen a Polish chess set like that being reproduced and sold? I like it a lot because of small short figurines.


What cracks me up is when the right hand corner square is black in film and TV.

Rishi9 wrote:

Oh No !!! Another Drubomania thread. Watch the above movie around 13-14 mins. There is a Drubovnik chess set starring in the movie.



That position is very close to the position after 27.Bxf4 in the famous Alekhine-Bogoljubow game from Bad Pistyan 1922 (½-½, 47 moves), which Stefan Zweig used as a basis for the game played on the ship his Schachnovelle. As far as I can see the only difference is that White's bishop's on g3, and there's a black pawn on f5.


Professor X and Magneto...then and now...


ipcress12 wrote:

Bogart was actually a decent chess player. He once drew Reshevsky in a simultaneous.

He was also a good sailor, so he knew what he was doing in "To Have and Have Not."

so he was a decent chessplayer and an artist as well as an actor? amazing. 


did what he drew of Reshevsky look like him?



so, does anybody know anything about the Polish set shown in the screenshot from the Polish black and white movie. It is in the beginning of the thread. It looks good and I've not seen one like that in life or new images.