
Searching for a certain Chess set


I am searching for a luxury standard set. I really appreciate the one that John Bartholomew uses in some of his youtube videos:


In one of the replies a user suggested that this may be the Ultimate (plastic) chess set from acc



I doubt that, the pieces don't look like out of plastic to me, rather Bakelite or faux ivory and lacquered I'd assume? One of the users around here has posted a picture of one set in his collection:


Beautiful set, the color of the white peaces look superb. The style is not close though. Especially the base diamters are to slim.


The overall style seems a little bit like the fischer spassky reproductions from several shops, e.g.:


There are some differneces with the style of the pieces though, especially the pawns look completely different.


So maybe you guys can help me out. I'm searching for a set that:

- comes in ebonized/ebony faux ivory lacuqered (I'd assume)

- has a normal/broad base diameter (not a slim one like e.g windsor reproductions)

- has rather minimalistic features like the fischer spassky set but heavier pawns.


It doesn't have to be the same set John Bartholomew uses, but a set that resembles it in the apsects given above.



Have you tried asking him by commenting on the video? Or maybe through Twitter? He seems to be pretty friendly so maybe he’ll help you out.

I sended him a pm on this site. Friendly or not, a IM can be a little busy I assume... Nontheless input from collector geeks is highly appreciate and could lead to even better inspiration.


As per this video John Bartholomew is using an Ultimate chess set in the video which is identical in composition to your photo you posted of him. Here's the Youtube video link:

Scroll down on the comments and you'll see the set mentioned.FYI. The Ultimate chess set can be obtained at American Chess Equipment website. Your fees may vary since you're overseas and it might be costly for you if you wish to obtain this set. You might want to wait until the London Chess and Bridge shop has them for sale this way the cost wouldn't be so exorbitant for you.

willpowerjohnson wrote:

I am searching for a luxury standard set. I really appreciate the one that John Bartholomew uses in some of his youtube videos:

 In one of the replies a user suggested that this may be the Ultimate (plastic) chess set from acc:

 I doubt that, the pieces don't look like out of plastic to me, rather Bakelite or faux ivory and lacquered I'd assume? One of the users around here has posted a picture of one set in his collection:

Beautiful set, the color of the white peaces look superb. The style is not close though. Especially the base diamters are to slim.

The overall style seems a little bit like the fischer spassky reproductions from several shops, e.g.:

 There are some differneces with the style of the pieces though, especially the pawns look completely different.

 So maybe you guys can help me out. I'm searching for a set that:

- comes in ebonized/ebony faux ivory lacuqered (I'd assume)

- has a normal/broad base diameter (not a slim one like e.g windsor reproductions)

- has rather minimalistic features like the fischer spassky set but heavier pawns.

 It doesn't have to be the same set John Bartholomew uses, but a set that resembles it in the apsects given above.


The Bartholomew set (Ultimate Chess Set) are plastic pieces.  But your additional comments appear to imply you are looking for wood pieces.  Also you use the term"luxury", which implies very expensive.  Bottom line - could you be more precise about what you are looking for? i.e., Wood or plastic?, Price? Style?

For more info on the Ultimate Chess Set check out....

a recommended plastic set....based on the description, it appears to be similar in respects to the Ultimate Chess Set...

RussBell hat geschrieben:

Bottom line - could you be more precise about what you are looking for? 



I tried to be specific:

So maybe you guys can help me out. I'm searching for a set that:

- comes in ebonized/ebony faux ivory lacuqered (I'd assume)

- has a normal/broad base diameter (not a slim one like e.g windsor reproductions)

- has rather minimalistic features like the fischer spassky set but heavier pawns.

It doesn't have to be the same set John Bartholomew uses, but a set that resembles it in the apsects given above.


I pardon for the language barrier if that wasn't clear enough?

"Luxury Standard" seems to be very unclear indeed. I meant something like: sturdy enough for regular play but still a high quality set. That's neither Mammoth Ivory nor plastic. I imagined the set used to be that type of thing and tried to carve out the attributes as stated above.


As you can see I stumbled across a threat mentioning the UCS, but it looks not very promising - I dislike moldlines and the color of the white pieces don't look like the one in the videos as well. I especially liked the color of the white pieces and thought them to be lacquered faux ivory.


Sorry about the capitalists question but, how much do you want to pay ?? I mean ... You have differents barriers in this aspects... wink.png 


Depends on the set... some bucks for plastic (rather not), 100-200 for a good set or 200-300 (€) for a set that totally fits my wishes.


WillPower -

The confusion comes from the fact that you have mentioned plastic sets (in your posts #1 and #8) along with photos of two plastic sets in your post #1 (Ultimate Chess Set and Bartholomew's pieces which are also UCS); at the same time you say that you want a set that is ebonized/ebony - which generally refers to wood sets.   So which are you interested in - wood pieces or plastic pieces?  And you are still not specific as to price.  Based on your confusing lack of specificity, it is difficult for anyone to help you with recommendations.


John's set is plastic. If you want a set with a "luxury" feel then plastic is definitely not the way to go. Most people take plastic sets to tournaments or other places where they'll likely endure some abuse, and save the nice wooden sets for home. You're not going to find a luxury wooden set for 200 dollars, but you can find a solid mid-range set for that price that satisfies your wishes. I'd suggest the something along the lines of the grandmaster series from HoS, as the style is similar to what you're looking for and they offer many different wood combinations. I personally own the burnt grandmaster in golden rosewood/boxwood and the quality is superb. Alternatively, you can get custom sets made by HoS or CB, and you can get them to replicate John's set exactly, but made from wood instead of plastic. I wouldn't really recommend this though, as it'll be more expensive, take at least a month to make, be incompatible with coupons, and to be perfectly honest his set doesn't look that great.


WillPower -

I assume you live in Germany or Europe.  I also assume you prefer wood pieces.  If so, you might check out the sets offered by these two reputable retailers in the United Kingdom.....

Chess & Bridge....

Official Staunton....


MsChanandlerBong95 hat geschrieben:

and to be perfectly honest his set doesn't look that great.


grin.png Ugliness has a special appeal...


Thanks for your answers, they have been very helpful so far.


My confusion resulted from a misconspetion: JBs pieces didn't look like plastic to me but rather like lacquered wood pieces (like the ones displayed in the third photo). As you all clearly identified the JB set as a plastic UCset, this assumption is openly wrong. I will probably order that sooner or later when avaiable in europe (I read somewhere Chess and Bridge will sell it) as a blitz set - even though it is not what I am looking for. So the JB set case is closed...


Nontheless I will continue to search for a set that has this chunky and sturdy haptic AND comes in wood and a (white/ivory) color comparable to the set in the third picture:


Again: I assume this to be painted and lacquered wood pieces (ebonized and faux ivory?). As this technique has no need for expensive woods, I assume to find a set in this colors in a lower price range (100-200 €) sooner or later. Do you think that this is realistic? If anybody knows a shop where to buy a set like this or has one to sell, please drop me a note.


That third photo is from Mr. Chuck Grau's collection and it is a lacquered Windsor set from the House of Staunton just like these photos from their website but that set is no longer available from their website in that style and colors. If you want that set the closest you're going to get is in black and natural lacquered from the HOS website for $179.00 a pop, plus shipping and any overseas charges and taxes pending. FYI




The Morphy Set from Official Staunton of the UK has received positive commentary in the past from others on this site.....



 Note the King height is 3.5 inches and the height of the rook is slightly shorter (relative to the Knight).  The White pieces, while not exactly "faux ivory", are stained much lighter than the typical "natural" color found in many ebonized wood sets.  Finally, the pawns are relatively slim.


The Dubrovnik set from HOS comes in a lacquer option....this set appears to be able to match most of your stated requirements - wood, lacquered, faux ivory, broad bases, stout pawns....etc....





I sucked up your information and browsed the net a lot the last days. I came up with a complete different solution. Rather than getting a set that I might want to replace in the future, I'll head for a very good one, that will have no need to be replaced.I found the 4.4" 1849 series reproduction set in ebony and antiqued boxwood from the best bet so far fo an affordable price (stretching the 300€ barrier a little bit though). This is openly a different chunkyness and a different color of the white pieces. Completely different set...


Maybe you can help me with the following questions:

1. Have you had any experience with this seller?

2. Do you know any comparable sets that you would recommend?

3. Any suggestions for a nice board combination for antuiqued boxwood/ebony pieces?







Are you sure you want 4.4" pieces? If you aren't, I would recommend trying to watch them and play with them before you buy. To me, 4.4" pieces look really cool, but feel impractical an unergonomical when playing or analysing. You'll need an extra large chess board, and the large distances combined with the heavy pieces makes the setup rather tiring, especially when analysing or playing fast games. Many people also find it visually difficult to play on large boards, because it's harder to fit the entire board within your field of vision.


Opinions on this differ. Some people really like extra large boards and pieces, and you might be one of them. But if you have no actual experience with the XXL size, I think it's safer to stick to the regular tournament size of 3.5"-4" pieces on a board with 2.125"-2.25" squares.


Puh. No I'm not sure. I have experience with 4,125" and 4,4" set. The latter one has a rather small diameter of 1,75" though and the king gains some extra height due to a very large cross - so maybe not really a 4.4 set but rather a 4,25" one. I played with both on a 2.125 and 2.25" square board. I found it to be well payable, even when blitzing, but maybe you are right, 4.4" peices and 2,5" could be too much...


What John is using is Ultimate Chess Pieces. However the one he uses is out of production. There is a new version but not many like the bright yellow color for the white pieces.

They are plastic. I actually like the new version more than the original UCP set. There is a wooden version of the UCP. You can get them at


Here is a cheaper option if you would like a wooden lacquered set. Go to Their lacquered Sovereign Staunton set.

This set is 4 inch set with a base of 1 7/8" and it weighs in at 5 lbs. 7 oz. I have a Black and Red version of this set and love it. It costed me about $100 with shipping. It isn't the same Reykjavik design but it is a set that has a lot of chunkiness and is quite heavy.