
Will teach Chess for English lessons

DaniilKalabukhov wrote:

I can explain you chess basics such as rules, openings, strategy in the middle game, endgames, rules of the OTB tournaments etc. In return I expect from you some help with my English. If you interested - send me a message + a friend request and we can discuss the details.

How is supposed to work? How can someone who can't understand you teach you something they don't know?


I'd love to help you fine-tune your grammar and expand your vocabulary too, if you'd like. My chess game is rather amateur and I could really use some general guidance. Friend request sent 😊


is important to learn english


in chess also



uchiha_madra Guys go through my video for basic chess And please subscribe Instagram page

Still need help with English? I am a teacher who needs help with chess

It sounds like you need help with composition.  Is there a certain area you need help in?  Diction, vocabulary, grammar, usage?

ghost_of_pushwood wrote:

And let's hope Yifanfan isn't a chess teacher!

No I teach college history - I am a weak chess player who blunders often - wish I could play like Yifan 



yifan, why do you call yourself weak?  


Because I am just getting my legs under me. Learning how to play and understand this game. I tried the first the puzzle in Nunns puzzle book and had no idea how to solve it even after the hint. He said it was simple if you understand rook pawn endings. Well I don't, maybe after more time i will 


Nunn's book is not for beginners.  Try the most instructive games of chess ever played.  Both simple and well written.  Irving Chernev.  Also Why You Lose at Chess.  Tim Harding. Excellent.  


I lose because I play people who have been playing a long time and are better than me. And that's ok for now - I had to write a lot of bad papers before i got one published


You have an excellent attitude.  Read why you lose at chess.  


When I first was learning how to play guitar I practiced for hours alone in my room. Playing scales no one would want to hear - even me. But I knew I was paying my dues and one day I would be very good - I gave myself one year to be ok. Two years to be good. Three years to be excellent. And a life time to be great. I was not in a hurry and I played exercises that my friends had no patience for. They sounded better than me for the first few years. Then one day they didn't and wanted to know how I got so good so suddenly! Lol


I can help you if you can help me.



Unlearn English?? I make a living speaking English - comes in handy haha


I wish I knew how to read and write English. I could certainly use the chess lessons. Just my luck though, "a day late and a dollar short!"


How did he write the title if he didn't know how to speak English!?! Google Translator?


@@ChessieSystem101 ghost_of_pushwood

My means of navigating the English language is that I am in transfix, within the parameters, of a cliche motif.


Timothy Scott Puente