
Is Queen's Gambit bad?

theRonster456 wrote:

Maybe he/she is talking about the Netflix movie....... ?

I am a he

Antoniohadji wrote:
Queens gambit sucks

Explain yourself.

Chessflyfisher wrote:
Antoniohadji wrote:
Queens gambit sucks

Explain yourself.

croissant dealer the youtuber hates it



Antoniohadji wrote:

your not a GM so you cant be talking!

I never judged the opening bro It's a question

theRonster456 wrote:

Maybe he/she is talking about the Netflix movie....... ?

I am a he and I should have seen this joke coming =)


This thing really broadened my mind. But tbh I was a beginner myself (and perhaps still one now) when I asked this question. And to most people, I think they'll find it silly. But now that everything's clear, I want to send my gratitude to anyone who contributes to this topic




guys I am joking butttttttttttt it is sort of bad in my opinion

Lent_Barsen wrote:

some interesting points there @Compadre_J
re #3 though "3) Lastly, The Queen Gambit is considered bad for beginners."
I'd have to disagree. The QG is great for beginners. it gives the beginner concrete goals. If the opponent takes, white can play 3. e3 and just work towards recovering the pawn. White can learn all those Greco "games" and learn how to either recover the pawn or have the opponent fall into a nasty trap.
Only 3...e5 is really a response better for black than what's allowed in the 3. Nf3 line, but most beginners probably won't play that.

Well, There lies the controversy surrounding the Queen’s Gambit!

The Never ending Debate which continues to rage on!

Should a beginner learn how to play Queen’s Gambit?


Should they play a different opening and work their way up to playing Queen’s Gambit?


The Chess World seems to be split!

I have seen many people say Yes and No.

From Beginner to Grandmaster, The difference of opinion is quite clear.

I, personally, have decided to side with those who believe in giving beginners a break!

I would recommend the London for a beginner so they can get their feet wet before throwing them into the fire.

Than when they reach intermediate level I would recommend Queen Gambit at that point.

Similarly, if a player was 1.e4 player, I would recommend for them to learn Italian Game first.

Than when they reach intermediate level I would recommend Ruy Lopez.

A Building up process which also gives them confidence and openings diversity.

Antoniohadji wrote:


I mean @GM_CroissantDealer