
parham attack


what's a matrix game?



the matrix game uses one pattern which all the pieces and pawns use to move , this such pattern is used to see patterns and indexing skill, and to stear away from traps and mates. This matrix game was taken internationality last month by Bernard Parham himself. At a Senior Open by FIDE, which Parham got permission to teach matrix chess internationality. Yes, it is possible to use matrix!!!


by the way parham finished 14th at that tournament



I had the privilege of playing Mr. Parham twice in one weekend a number of years ago; the games are in the above post. He played 2.Qh5 against the Caro and I got a fine game, despite being out rated by 500 points or so. At the time I was a 1500 player, and am proud that despite losing both games, I made a good account of myself both times...up to a point ;) But I have to agree with the general consensus that white's 2nd move  Qh5 gives a weaker player of the black pieces an easy game.


Thanks for that interesting game, Melvin. Indeed, I feel I lost to the player and not the opening. I wont go so far as to call them unsound, just that I got an easy game; however I can not say how I would fare against 1.e4 e5 2.Qh5 as I dont play black side of double king pawns; I might get crushed faster ;)


This is a killer opening. I have been playing it recently in blitz, correspondence, and against random opponents, it works wonders. The only main issues you will run into is the main refutation, 1 e4 e5, 2 qh5 nc6 3 bc4 g6 4 qf3 nf6 5 ne2 (to prevent nd4). This, although not necessarily bad for white, isn't advantegeous either. Usually your best option is to play d3, then pin the f6 night, using a night to c3 then d5 to help. Most other options white can come out advantegous, just use common sense, if you face qe7 or qf6, bring a knight to c3 then d5, if they immediately play nf6 or g6, take the e5 pawn and you go up a rook or a pawn. Pretty great opening


The Parham Attack is a horrible opening. Only noobs who wanna do the four move checkmate will play this.


Naka also made a comment on his Qh5 idea and he said it was an experiment. [I actually watched him play it on ICC at the time, he won because of skill not the opening] It isnt bad but also white ends up with zero advantage in the opening so it was time to be serious... (after he lost OTB with it) he climbed after he started to learn theory. 

its also bad because you learn no pattern to build on after the tricks fail.


Greymiles, this is much more than a beginner going for the scholar's mate. Of course it's always nice to win a game in 4 moves, but there's much more potential. If they respond nf6 or g6, you go up in material after qxe5, and if they do qe7 or qf6, after nc6 nd4 there is a strong attack being developed. If you are a strong player and attacker, this can cause a strong early mating attack.


I am not sure what you saying Gavinator,.. the Whole idea of 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 is flat out a beginner move. The whole idea is based on wishful thinking that your opponent will play poorly and suddenly you have a good attack. 

1) stronger players wont play poorly

2) even if you win your building your pattern recognition on that do nothing for you later

3) there are better openings that give white better long term chances. 

What I typically show kids is the following "refutation" yasser has a nice talk about how he started out with this idea early on

and gave it up after the following game...


TonyH, do you think Nakamura played GMs with the Parham expecting a 4 move mate? Of course not. Nakamura, the currently 6th best chess player in the world, played this because it is aggressive and launches a powerful attack. Also, the Parham goes much deeper than Scholar's Mate. There is a concept called Matrix Chess, invented by Bernard Parham, which is based off of vectors with the queen as the pinpoint of the entire system. Also, the refutation you show above is wrong. White plays 5. ne2, to prevent nd4. After this, white can begin to pin the nf6 knight since both of its natural defending pawns have moved.


that is very true, in fact the lines go much deeper that that, if you play black there are traps and tactics all the time


You're right, as a black player you fall for all sorts of traps, and many tactics can be used on you too.


OK so lets analyse Ne2


Pin the knight dummy.


how and at what move, and remember be nice, just because someone diagrees and wants proof doesn't mean they are a dummy, btw you sound an awefull lot like the us government


Lol how? The Government is full of socialists... And for the game I'd probably get something like d3 going.

The_Gavinator wrote:

Lol how? The Government is full of socialists... And for the game I'd probably get something like d3 going.

Not that I have a horse in this race, but you honestly don't see the parallels between what you call socialism, and recommending everyone cripple their chess progress by immersing themselves in mediocre, antipositional openings that will cause everyone to stagnate at the same level, and for the same reasons?