
The f3 Benko Gambit (Half-Accepted)


I love playing the Benko, but there are a couple of variations that confuse me and this f3 line is one of them.  Any insights?  


I did a study on the main line of it so far to try and get some ideas.  From what I can tell white gets a very imposing pawn chain by preparing e4 with f3 and black MUST break it down by playing e6.  Is this correct?  


I made a video on my findings so far, which are useful, but it would be helpful to know if I'm missing any basic ideas in this line.


 I don't want to be crushed by this line anymore.  Thanks in advance!  





Isn't there someone who knows this line?  *bump*


f3 line is interesting and black should avoid playing like this :

Breaking white's centre with e6 is a correct idea, but u have to be ready in this line.

Maybe black could improve on this game, but really difficult...

So what is your choice?

U can play solid this way :

Black queen will be attacked with Nc4 but not a problem. Black usually retreats with Qd8 and reacts with e6. This line is advocated by Aveskulov in his excellent repertoire book "attack with black".

A sample line :

Black can once again reacts with d5, or regroup with Nd7-Bf6.


Another idea is to play e6 in a different way, like in this game :

Personnally i like this variation, very active and intuitive.

And a last one, which seems specualtive but can be fun :

2 pawns down but not easy for white to castle...


So u have choice : depends on your taste and how u want to play.

I prefer the line played by Robson, but Aveskulov's line is safe and easy to remember.

The c4 gambit is insane, i don't know if it is sound (probably not) but many GM play it and has practical value.