
What Is Your Opinion?


I am considering adding another response to 1.d4 to my black opening repertoire.

I am strongly considering the Budapest Gambit. I was wondering what people's opinions are on this exciting opening. I know that it promotes a lot of active piece play but I am simply interested to see what people's ideas are on it...

I look forward to seeing what everyone thinks of this gambit!

Thanks, Rupert.

I think it is good for surprising the opponent but the right lines for white are usually fairly easy to find. I do believe that black is solid and sometimes grabs an initiative. Personally I will stick with the gruenfeld.

I play the Budapest often with 3. ... Ne4 and it works well over the board but online my opponents can use a database to find the best lines and it's more of a struggle. Even so, it leads to interesting positions.


It can be good fun to play leading to some complex lines, you should watch out for the Alekine attack though it can be pretty vicious, if played wrong white gets allot of initiative and a great attack which black does well to survive against good players.




nice one ....


It's ok, and interesting, but risky and inferior to most other defenses. But I think it's playable, especially since it's hardly a real gambit (the only line where white keeps the pawn is when he significantly weakens his pawn structure).


ok....what do you have in mind if...otherwise its fun.,