
What's the name of this opening?


 What is the name of the opening starting with:

1.f3 d5 2. Kf2 e5 3. Kg3

I cannot find it in my Encyclopedia of openings. Had to face it twice yesterday and wasnt prepared at all...





Are you serious?!? Laughing


Yeah...No one knows?!


the position seems pretty equal to me no wonder I couldn't win as black here


That is the Accelerated Hammerschlag, which is considered bad for White; Black should play 2.e4, then 3.Kf2. Then White can pressure the centre or charge up the Kingside.


3. ...Qg5+




It is one of the few main branch of Bongcloud Opening.Instead of controlling with pieces(hypermodern) it uses the king to control the important squares.Certainly it isn't a good idea but it should be okay.


Bc5 and hope for a mate in one~


Oh this one is a classic Hammerschlag (also known as Game-gambit) Made famous as early as in the 19th century by the one and only Löwenthal. The king avoids complications inherent with castling and is instead trying for some aggressive play on the right wing. A very tough nut to crack for black, I suggest Ke7 for some counter-play.


The Gay King Opening - Super Gay variation .

Only a couple times have I seen it been used on the top level. The point is to see how long it takes your opponent to realize you're retarted... glad i could help Laughing.


The king does take a walk on the wild side. Undecided

coneheadzombie wrote:
wyh2010 wrote:

It is one of the few main branch of Bongcloud Opening.Instead of controlling with pieces(hypermodern) it uses the king to control the important squares.Certainly it isn't a good idea but it should be okay.

I'll play Black any day.

Agreed! Black is clearly winning in all terms


yea i know a player like that he just moves once king once another piece and his rating is 1700 at bullet -.- !!! i tell u why because we keep thinking mate is soon mate is very soon just put pressure and nothing works hahaha


In Finland one good player play this opening some times he's name is Vilka Sipilä but he play Kg3 sometimes he play only two first move usally and i lost hhim in this opening in blizt game


If you play like this you are a loser and should end your life.

sormad58 wrote:

If you play like this you are a loser and should end your life.

Nice. Let me guess....teenage jerk?


This solid opening Is call "God save the king". Jesus Christ loves to play it, but after that he turns the pawns into queens