
Sorry for not accepting Email Chess


This is the last day I accept challenges for now.

I'm having trouble with my workLaughing

This site is really addictive. 

Is there a way to set 3 days or more than only the challenger will set in email chess?


View the challenger settings if 3 days or more than in his email chess before I accept; thinking that it is rude if I accept and then I abort the game.

You can see the amount of time prior to accepting the challenge. Just go in the email chess window and you can see it.

you can also take a vacation from your game if your not going to be playing for an extended period of time.


Bendcat, there is an option (online chess -> settings) to set the minimum and maximum number of days per move that you accept for the turn-based chess. You can also check the unavailable button so that no one can send you the invite until you allow it again.

You can also set the maximum number of games that you'll have going on at any one time--people can't challenge you if you've already got you maximum number of games going on. It's certainly helped me manage the chess/work balance!!


i'm is 2020