
Spell chess results


I do not like the spell chess. It is annoying and it is not fair for me. It may be fair for others. but it is not the best invented item for

Let me know if you need anything.

Thank you


I also didn't like spell chess because it's graphics are dumb


The graphics are not dumb. It is not fair if they want to play chess normally.tongue


The spell chess rules could be worded a little better. Moving onto frozen squares after using a freeze spell does nothing.

"Be careful—any piece, including your own, will freeze if it enters the spell area"

should instead read:

Be careful - all pieces in the spell area are frozen, even your own.


What results are you talking about? I expected some statistics or something similar going into this topic.

Personally from my experience, I think the spell chess quite heavily favors the white player.

I tried it and I quite like the experience, but... I think the optimal openings are pretty limited. As far as I can tell, there's only one optimal opening, (which even if the opening resulted in a balanced game, it would get pretty boring after a while.)




There needs to be more potions:

x3 black potion: destroys all pieces surrounding your King

x2 yellow potion: makes a certain piece of your's uncapturable for 2 turns

x1 trojan potion: gives all your pieces the added ability to move like knights. three turns after initial use, your king turns into a knight and you lose.

x2 grey potion: transforms any of your own pieces into an immovable wall

x1 poison potion: Instantly checkmates you, pretty much a more dramatic resign.


the silly thing is when you check oppo's king and the next move he/she can ignore the check and freely move another piece with a jumping spell

totally idiotic

Lamemasacra wrote:

the silly thing is when you check oppo's king and the next move he/she can ignore the check and freely move another piece with a jumping spell

totally idiotic

Well to be honest, It is not fair not played normally. But i agree with you.

jishamr wrote:

I also didn't like spell chess because it's graphics are dumb

Well its not dumb. The graphics on the chess spell is nice. I just dont like the fact that you cheat with these spells and not play nomally like any other chess game