Whoosh Gl to both!
Bulldog Chess with lumberjack & witch - JunyJunebug vs Martin0

Awesome game - I like the setup and rules for the lumberjack. Seeing a pawn stand on the 8th rank (if pushed there) with option to promote or not will be a new thing to see in chess!
I'm going to watch this one!

@MSC157, thanks
Personally I expect things like changing pawn structures and bishops changing the color they walk on to be more interesting than potentially pawns getting to the 8th rank without promotion.

..Personally I expect things like changing pawn structures and bishops changing the color they walk on to be more interesting than potentially pawns getting to the 8th rank without promotion.
Yes those things are cool too. I didn't think about bishops changing color - this game could have same army with same colored bishops.
Btw, I like evert823's graphic for the lumberjack too. I won't say more now, so the game can go on.

So far vickalan has made far better graphics, but using grim reaper is so awfull .. unless you REALLY invent grim reaper ...
This is a bulldog chess game with a witch and a lumberjack. The starting position is the one below:
The pieces:
Guard (G) - Moves and captures like a king.
Witch (W) - The witch is transparent to friendly pieces, and she also makes all adjacent pieces (friend and foe) transparent to friendly pieces (but pieces are not transparent for the witch). The witch does not capture other pieces, but she can be captured. Although pieces are not transparent to the witch, she is very agile; she combines the movement of queen, knight, and can jump orthogonally and diagonally two squares. Transparency of a piece means that other pieces can move, attack, and capture right through the piece.
Lumberjack (L) - This piece moves like a Queen and cannot jump over other pieces. The Lumberjack also cannot capture an enemy piece by landing on the square that the enemy piece is currently occupying, though the lumberjack can be captured normally. The special ability of the lumberjack is that wherever it lands, all enemy pieces that are horizontally or vertically (not diagonally) adjacent to the lumberjack get knocked away one square in that direction. If the knockback square is occupied or is past the end of the board, the piece is captured.
The rules of castling are similar as in classical chess, however, with the board 10 squares wide, the king travels three squares rather than two. The rook finishes adjacent to the king. All squares between the king and the involved rook must be unoccupied, with the exception of the witch (a witch is transparent to pieces in her own army so castling across the witch is allowed). The king must not have been moved by a lumberjack and it may not pass any square where a lumberjack would check the king (squares where the lumberjack could capture with its special capturing rule).
Pawns on 1st and 2nd rank:
Pawns on the 2nd rank (7th for black) are able to move 2 spaces forward regardless if they have previously moved or not.
Pawns on the 1st rank (8th for black) are able to move up to 3 spaces forward regardless if they have previously moved or not. En passant can happen on both squares the pawn is passing.
If a pawn gets pushed to a promotional square by a lumberjack the pawn will not promote. However a pawn on the last rank can make an in-place promotion as a separate move.
I (Martin0) will take the black pieces. JunyJunebug will play white. Good luck!