I recommend to play on 10x10 board with Chinese rule for King (King moves only in own kingdom (3x3 or something similar)).
I recommend to play on 10x10 board with Chinese rule for King...
Those are good ideas but 10 x 10 is not an infinite plane!
How about playing it on a torus? Not really an infinite board, but pretty close. When a piece goes off an edge, it reappears on the opposite side. For instance, a4 would be the same as "i4" and e1 would be the same as "e9".
As for notation I would suggest that the white rooks are on (1,1) and (8,1) and the black rooks are on (8,1) and (8,8).
Perhaps it is fun to have some armies of short-ranged pieces far away from the king in the starting position.
But why is the board so big?
It's hard to play a game without borders because strategies are difficult to establish for both armies...
I think with 1 queen, 2 bishops, 2 rooks, and 2 chancellors, each army will need to create their own "borders" to trap pieces from the other army. But if that is not enough, then there are 14 pawns which can try to promote to other queens and chancellors. But if they get captured, then there are ten more pawns in the rearward ranks ready to move forward and try to become queens and chancellors. I hope that's enough.
But you are right - the strategy to win might be different. In a few weeks we might know a little more
I want to try a game on an infinite board.
ill play...seems fun...
OK, I believe I'm done with the rules. Except for the board and extra pieces, almost everything else is the same as in classical chess. The rules are here:
"Chess on an Infinite Plane"
bowlinggreen, would you still like to play? I'm OK with move replies in 1-3 days. If we average 2 days per reply, and the game goes to 50 moves, it will be about 6½ months. That's fine with me.
With 2 days per move, I think we each can play more than one game at a time.