
Perpetual in 4-player chess?


So, I assume that there is no such thing as a draw in the traditional chess sense when playing 4-player chess. I suppose multiple people can tie for the most points, but stalemate, repetition, 50-move rule, and draw by agreement don't seem relevant.

But what happens when we get a perpetual check situation in 4-player chess? Suppose my opponent is winning (but not by enough to claim a win). I can't find a way to win, but I can force a perpetual. I assume I can't claim a draw in this case, so could the game theoretically go on forever, or until one of us gives up and resigns?

knivetsil wrote:

Suppose my opponent is winning (but not by enough to claim a win). I can't find a way to win, but I can force a perpetual. I assume I can't claim a draw in this case, so could the game theoretically go on forever, or until one of us gives up and resigns?

Your assumption is correct. 4 player chess is still a prototype though, so I suspect that will be fixed at some point (although, that is only a guess on my part). There is a draw by insufficient material though.