
Blocking Members Manifesto


Oh, good.  A comedian.  


Thankyou but unfortunately you're mistaken.
It was more the enquiry of a spectator wondering about the sudden and lengthy silence. The way 'you three' work together... the intuitive connection among you is amazing. The way you work off each other: Awesome! And the connection with James Cameron- again: Awesome!! What is the secret of the connection?!? 



Actually when I said: "Oh, good.  A comedian," it wasn't a mistake; it was a joke.  Can you make the connection?

timbeau wrote:

Thankyou but unfortunately you're mistaken.
It was more the enquiry of a spectator wondering about the sudden and lengthy silence. The way 'you three' work together... the intuitive connection among you is amazing. The way you work off each other: Awesome! And the connection with James Cameron- again: Awesome!! What is the secret of the connection?!? 


1. It has become tiresome for me to switch between all 3 of my accounts and keep the "discussion" going. So lately I have been mostly sticking to my main account, here, and letting my dummy sockpuppet accounts dry up.

2. Contrary to rumor, none of us are James Cameron.

3. Well, I would be Avatar; all tall and athletic and super cool and blue, Learningthemoves would be Alien; acidic and capable of exploding out of your chest at a moments notice. Spartanemesis would be Titanic; trying to make a passage but instead sinking miserably into the icy depths.


As always, delete whichever is inapplicable.




Snap! 'Mistaken' was a joke too. How about that...?
Ah, but what about... learningthemoves ? 

On the subject of James Cameron and religious symbolism: what would be the judeoChristian equivalant -one sometimes wonders- of the blasphemous(?) cultural-appropriation(or,theft) of the Hindu 'avatar'.


Well, don't let my avatar trick anyone into thinking that I am not out of neccesity not denying that I am James Camaeron, or "JC" as those who regard theft of Judeo-Christian symbolism, or Jesus Christ monikers, may in fact tend to believe, (ir)regardless of the facts, or lack thereof.

timbeau wrote:

Snap! 'Mistaken' was a joke too. How about that...?
Ah, but what about... learningthemoves ? 

On the subject of James Cameron and religious symbolism: what would be the judeoChristian equivalant -one sometimes wonders- of the blasphemous(?) cultural-appropriation(or,theft) of the Hindu 'avatar'.

Howdy Timbeau,

Thank you for the inquiry. It's good to know you're in people's thoughts when you're away from the action for a few minutes. 

I think we just like to enjoy some friendly banter every now and then to prevent aneurysm, although I can't speak for the others.

I do enjoy mixing it up a bit in between getting demolished for my lessons.

Most of the villains we've encountered are nothing more than your run of the mill fault finders. 

They came from the tribes of, "the squeaky wheel gets the oil" mindset and the "let's throw our coworkers under the bus so we can get the promotion instead" school.

I can't completely dismiss each one of them just because I beat them in debate. In their minds, their fact-void opinions and fallacies held just as much merit as my presentation of the facts with proof and statistics from verifiable studies proven conclusive.

But you know how it is with the knuckle draggers.

They're like sending a Texas Longhorn into the courtroom as your attorney.

They may have a point here and a point there, but in the middle of the points is a whole lotta bull in between.

Any judge worth his salt wouldn't even allow them to remain in the courtroom after the first fiasco.

You give 'em just enough rope to hang themselves and then get to sit back and enjoy the show.


Just briefly sport... you certainly got every drop from that last metaphor.
Well done!
By the bye...If I google for just a few pages I encounter a namesake of yours. Any relation, I wonder? 

timbeau wrote:

Just briefly sport... you certainly got every drop from that last metaphor.
Well done!
By the bye...If I google for just a few pages I encounter a namesake of yours. Any relation, I wonder? 

Actually, I prefer to remain anonymous here at this site for now even though I've left enough of a trail for anyone who really wants to find me. 

I just prefer the lower profile so I can goof off a bit without having it eternally tied to any business I may do under a professional name if that makes any sense.

I've noticed a few more people with my name popping up and one even grabbed the domain with my name, but he's not me.

This is one of the few safe havens online I can sort of unwind and relax with a nice game of chess and enjoy some downtime.

I'd kind of prefer to keep it that way so that I don't have to close the account.

But yeah, I'm the advertising copywriter/marketing consultant/business success coach/author one of the bunch bearing my name.  (At least that's what my clients keep telling me lol.)

And you can rest assured, I'm not running the campaigns for any of the big names in the "chess" niche...until they're ready to really knock it out of the park, but not before and only until. Strictly pleasure. 


Well, that is nice: my choice of 'rest' is preferably assured. 
Actually, your oh-so casual last paragraph quite spoiled  the relaxed, couldn't-care-less attitude of someone intent on -strictly- deserved pleasure. But maybe that's the way of the Middle-Man; the state of rest is dependent on the state of others. Or, if you prefer, your very particular market. 
Thank goodness you don't waste your valuable down-time with also-rans!
Leaving  us nobodies in no doubt as to your extremely important real-life.
During these periods of relaxation and just switching off from the endless grind of your unbelievably manipulative, suspicious, predatory, sexist, sneaky, self-satisfied, arrogantly competitve -perhaps even pathologically so- 'business and lifestyle mentoring' that rakes in the 'good-life' for your goodself?
Or have I got the wrong movemeister? In which case, sorry.
But if I haven't, well, I guess...who gives a toss?!

Ubik42 wrote:

Well, don't let my avatar trick anyone into thinking that I am not out of neccesity not denying that I am James Camaeron, or "JC" as those who regard theft of Judeo-Christian symbolism, or Jesus Christ monikers, may in fact tend to believe, (ir)regardless of the facts, or lack thereof.

"Theft of Judeo-Christian-(and to be fair Islamic) symbolism"; isn't that really like 'double-jeapardy': after all the J-C-(I) fables have origins well befor the Jews came along. As unbelievable as that might seem to committed Christians (and Jews, Muslims, etc).

And don't you just love (ir)regardless! JudgeRobot had a bob each way on the suffix and the prefix and still got it wrong. Art imitating life?

timbeau wrote:

Well, that is nice: my choice of 'rest' is preferably assured. 
Actually, your oh-so casual last paragraph quite spoiled  the relaxed, couldn't-care-less attitude of someone intent on -strictly- deserved pleasure. But maybe that's the way of the Middle-Man; the state of rest is dependent on the state of others. Or, if you prefer, your very particular market. 
Thank goodness you don't waste your valuable down-time with also-rans!
Leaving  us nobodies in no doubt as to your extremely important real-life.
During these periods of relaxation and just switching off from the endless grind of your unbelievably manipulative, suspicious, predatory, sexist, sneaky, self-satisfied, arrogantly competitve -perhaps even pathologically so- 'business and lifestyle mentoring' that rakes in the 'good-life' for your goodself?
Or have I got the wrong movemeister? In which case, sorry.
But if I haven't, well, I guess...who gives a toss?!

You most definitely have the wrong movemeister according to any of the above.




Blocks to the people, commrade!